

Things are not always as they appear. It all depends on one’s perception.

Feb 1, 2019  |   2 min read
Candy Croc
Candy Croc
4 (1)

“Come on Laura get into the back seat!”

“Is there no other way Uncle Frank?” she implored.

“No, of course not, unless you want to do it on the wet grass.”

 She got up from the front passenger seat and looked desperately out into the darkness. No one could help, they were miles from anywhere. She opened the back door of the car and got in reluctantly. Lying down apprehensively, as comfortable as she could on the back seat.

 “I’ll pull down your knickers. Just lift your bottom off the seat! Yes, that’s it, now open your legs.”

 “No...no I don’t want to do it now, I’ve changed my mind.” Panic was now starting to rise in her chest and was evident in her voice.

 “Unfortunately, there’s no going back now. Look, come on love just try to relax. It will be over even before you know it. Try to relax and open your legs, I need to see.” He leaned down between her legs, parted her knees and had a good look.

 “Aargh, please stop it, it hurts!"

 He took his phone out of his pocket and took a photo. The flash hurt her eyes. He showed her the photo. “Look at all the hair. Give me your hand!” He grabbed her hand and brought it down between her legs to have a feel.

 This feels like a dream, she thought as she brought her hand back up to her face. She could make out the crimson stain of blood on her fingertips in the dim lighting of the car. Another sharp pain shot through her.

 “Aargh, please make it stop, it’s so painful.”

 “Come on Laura, it’s nearly over now, you are being so brave.”

 The pain was unbearable, she felt like her insides were being ripped out.

 Suddenly, a high-pitched scream pierced through the night and echoed into the darkness…followed by the tiny cries of a baby.


“Well done Laura, it’s a girl,” said Uncle Frank proudly. He pulled off his coat, wrapped it carefully around the newborn and then passed the tiny baby to his niece. Laura opened her arms gingerly to receive her newborn daughter.

 “I’m a mum Uncle Frank! I’m a mum!! Thank you!!” she sobbed through big fat tears of joy, just as the faint sound of sirens could be heard in the distance.


Candy Croc © 2019 Staffordshire



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