
3 AM

This story is about a dream I had that actually continues in two more stories so be sure check those out soon. The title is the time I woke up from the first dream. Extra Info: My house is in the middle of nowhere so my backyard is a whole desert just in case people get confused.

Feb 21, 2024  |   2 min read
Jose Colin
Jose Colin
3 AM
Im walking down a dark hallway that goes into the living room, I turn the corner to see an unfamiliar human figure standing in the middle of the room. I walk closer to find a faceless shadow-like-figure starring at the floor. My heart quickly begins to race, my hands start to sweat, frozen in fear the shadow figure raises its head and begins to stare at me. We share a quick glance at each other before I sprinted down the hallway into to my room. I lock the door and take a few steps back trying to process what that thing was while trying to control my disdorderly breathing. I start to control myself when I start to realize its quite, no type of sound, dead silence. I slowly walk to the door and bring my ear closer.

"BOOM" The shadow figure starts to bang the door rapidly, relentlessly without rest the shadow figure continues to pound on the door while in a panic state I quickly open my window and jump out. I begin to run through the pitch dark desert, my eyes see nothing, not one single star or bright moon up in the sky, nothing but black but my ears can hear everything so clearly. My shoes running through the uneven surface of the sand, the snaps and crunches of the dry plants being stepped on, my heavy breathing as I run straight into the empty dark nothingness. 

Never looked back once I continue to run and run until my eyes begins to see a light.

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