
The Corner of my Bed

This is a true story I experienced when I was nine or ten years old. Hope you like it.

Feb 21, 2024  |   2 min read
Jose Colin
Jose Colin
The Corner of my Bed
More from Jose Colin
All I remember is waking up in the middle of night. 

Tired and confused, I sit up and rub my eyes.

As soon as my eyes open clearly, they quickly notice a shadow figure sitting on the floor at the corner of my bed.

In my head I notice that shape of the shadow looks like a little boy figure.  

Frozen in fear, I can't speak or move just sitting there watching the shadow figure at the corner of my bed. 

When suddenly the shadow figure turns its head and faces me looking me straight in the eyes. 

In that moment I completely break free of my paralysis like state and immediately start yelling at the top of my lungs. 

I scream and I cry but no one seems to hear as the shadow sits and stare.

I jump out of bed and run on top of my brothers’ bed across the room.

I yell and I shake, and I even slap but he doesn’t move one bit as he peacefully sleeps. 

Continuing to scream, sobbing uncontrollably while the shadow doesn’t move, doesn’t speak just stares at me. 

When finally, Father and Mother come running in, turning on the lights. 

As soon as the lights appear the shadow figure disappears. 

I slept in my parents’ room that night with tears down my face and an image that will never leave my mind

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