
Weight Lifted

"Weight Lifted" is a gripping narrative that follows the unexpected journey of an individual who, after being mysteriously abducted, finds themselves in a surprisingly comfortable confinement. The captor provides a well-furnished room with all the comforts of home, and the protagonist begins to question the motives behind such hospitality. The suspense heightens as the days pass, and the abductor remains silent in the face of the captive's inquiries about their fate. The story takes an unexpected turn when, after six months, the protagonist is released back into the world, only to confront a shocking reality: a significant and inexplicable weight gain that poses a new challenge in their life. The tale explores the psychological and physical aftermath of an unusual abduction, leaving readers with lingering questions about the true nature of the captor's intentions.

Feb 26, 2024  |   4 min read


Ceaira White
Weight Lifted
Weight Lifted

"Grilled cheese and Tomato Soup with a glass of lemonade??" I asked trying to look at my napper through the food tray hole in the middle of the heavy steel door.

The meal was even better than the first one, I didn't even care that he or she rudely slammed the door in my face. I wasn't sure but I think it had only been like 6 hours since I had been adult napped and so far they were treating me pretty well. Way better than I would expect after being hit over my head in the gym parking lot and thrown in the back of a van. As I ate on my grilled cheese I walked around the room that seemed to be customized for my entertainment.

The room was filled with the best books, my favorite snacks, a good selection of comedy DVDs and a flat-screen. I had a comfortable bed, sink, shower, and toilet with a shelf of all the products I used. I had a desk with stationery items and even a radio. I thought when you get abducted usually you are like tortured or something. So I had been accommodated pretty nicely. I hadn't been hurt outside the knot on the back of my head, but it wasn't bleeding or anything.

I don't know if this freak knew before he got me that I didn't have any friends or close relatives or not. I was a loner and all I did was work, gym, and go home. Did they want me to want to leave so I could get comfortable then kill me? I racked my brain on why my setup was so comforting and what they could have planned for me. I did watch a lot of movies so a lot came to my mind but I had no choice but to see it through.

As I marked days on the calendar nothing else changed but the menu and everything was delicious. I don't know if it was because I couldn't cook or because there was some kind of poison or something, but I stayed full and didn't get sick. The only reason I knew when it was a new day was that the person that snatched me up told me good morning and good night. How sweet right? Every day I would try to get an answer to a question out of them. I'd ask them if they were going to rape me, kill me, eat me, you name it I asked it. I got no response. For the first month, all I got was a good morning and good night.

The second month came around though they advised me not to worry because my bills were paid. Huh? You pay my bills, and yours, know all my favorites, and feed me three meals a day? Buying me new clothes and bringing me wine as a response rate? Can we get married? After reading and all else I could do in a day, I would lay up at night trying to match a voice to a face but I couldn't tell if it was a woman or a man which made it hard. For 6 months this went on where I lived in this room just fine until I was knocked out by gas and released back in the gym parking lot.

When I got into the car, I of course called the police because I needed an excuse for not going to work for 6 months. I let the cops know exactly what happened, but I still had to go through this long process which included a statement, rape kit, giving up my clothing, and getting my measurements and a bunch of other things. I was fine until I got on to the scale and realized how much I had gained. I was furious. I tried to think of anything to help the officers find the adult napper after I realized the weight was not coming off no matter how much I worked out. It's been 7 years and I am still weighting.


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