Leaves began to fall as Josh quickly ran down a narrow side walk along side the gym. He had been playing basketball all evening and was running late for the bus. He arrived at the bus stop, panting heavily just to see the back of the bus, as it took off.
Frustrated and tired he put his mesh gym bag down and his ball. Damn..it’s gonna take forever for this next bus, he mumbled to himself. As he was pulling out his phone to check the bus schedule he heard a loud commotion coming from around the corner. There were two big men in all black standing behind a smaller Hispanic man who was in a suit with tattoos on his neck. The hispanic man was yelling at a larger black man with gold on his chest and hands. Josh had seen the gold covered man before at a local concert he attended earlier that year. Maybe it’s his manager,?He thought to himself. As he picked up his bag.(gunshots)he hears three shots fired in the distance Josh immediately crouched down in front of the bus stop bench..he begins to panic as he swipes through his phone to find his camera. He slowly raises the phone over the bench to see if he was seen. He could only see three of the four men standing. As josh tried to quickly get up from behind the bench He caused his ball to roll in the street. Who’s that over there, yelled the suited tattooed man to the two men in black behind him. At the same instance Josh grabbed his bag and took off running, unknowingly dropping his phone in the process.
Terrified and confused where to go. He headed back towards the gym. On his way he sees a police officer who had someone pulled over on the side of the highway. As traffic zipped by Josh began to climb over the median to get the patrol car. In the distance the two men in black where coming off an exit a quarter mile down the highway. He began to run towards the Officer while frantically searching for his phone. Help please help, he screamed as he approached the officer, while still frantically loooking for his phone. The traffic going by was so loud the officer couldn’t make out what he saying. All he could see is Josh despertly trying to find something. Frightened the officer pulls his weapon and screams stay where you are stay where u are. (faint shots fired and officer radio chatter...I need a ambulance for for a minor..I’m on..muffles out.
Frustrated and tired he put his mesh gym bag down and his ball. Damn..it’s gonna take forever for this next bus, he mumbled to himself. As he was pulling out his phone to check the bus schedule he heard a loud commotion coming from around the corner. There were two big men in all black standing behind a smaller Hispanic man who was in a suit with tattoos on his neck. The hispanic man was yelling at a larger black man with gold on his chest and hands. Josh had seen the gold covered man before at a local concert he attended earlier that year. Maybe it’s his manager,?He thought to himself. As he picked up his bag.(gunshots)he hears three shots fired in the distance Josh immediately crouched down in front of the bus stop bench..he begins to panic as he swipes through his phone to find his camera. He slowly raises the phone over the bench to see if he was seen. He could only see three of the four men standing. As josh tried to quickly get up from behind the bench He caused his ball to roll in the street. Who’s that over there, yelled the suited tattooed man to the two men in black behind him. At the same instance Josh grabbed his bag and took off running, unknowingly dropping his phone in the process.
Terrified and confused where to go. He headed back towards the gym. On his way he sees a police officer who had someone pulled over on the side of the highway. As traffic zipped by Josh began to climb over the median to get the patrol car. In the distance the two men in black where coming off an exit a quarter mile down the highway. He began to run towards the Officer while frantically searching for his phone. Help please help, he screamed as he approached the officer, while still frantically loooking for his phone. The traffic going by was so loud the officer couldn’t make out what he saying. All he could see is Josh despertly trying to find something. Frightened the officer pulls his weapon and screams stay where you are stay where u are. (faint shots fired and officer radio chatter...I need a ambulance for for a minor..I’m on..muffles out.