
Six Hours of Hell

A young woman is swept off her feet by a mysteriously good looking stranger. His desire is to shower her with all she has ever wanted. But soon she finds out he is not what he appears to be. Can she escape his hold on her before it is too late?

Jun 8, 2021  |   8 min read


Shelly Garrod
Six Hours of Hell
2 (15)
Wow! This place is breathtaking! Valleys, meadows and hills are inundated with colorful flowers, like squares on a patchwork quilt. Perfectly shaped trees fill the landscape. The picturesque countryside is pleasing to my eyes. Nowhere have I encountered a place so beautiful. A path inlaid with dirt and twigs gently winds through a wooded area. As I walk this path, I try to embrace the smells, and sounds of my unknown serene surroundings, but there aren't any. The air is still. Wildlife and birds are non-existent. NOTHING. Yet, it feels so peaceful. 

Following the path, it takes a sharp turn to the left. As I round the bend I notice towering next to a very tall centuries-old oak tree, is a magnificent piece of architecture that appears to reach into the belly of the Heavens. It's gorgeous, standing like a castle in a fairy tale, dressed in a composite pattern of shinny crystals that cover the outermost parts of this mystifying formation. Gems shimmering so intensely, I turn away in fear of being blinded by their glow. 

As my eyes adjust, I guardedly advanced towards a massive glistening door. Chills slither down my spine as I approach this means of entry. The closer I get the more I sense that I am being invited in, but no one is around. I reach out with trembling hands to grasp the glass handle, not knowing what to expect. Slowly the door gently and mysteriously opens with a sweet cry of a forbidden touch. I gingerly step over the threshold. The vestibule is strikingly small in relation to the outer appearance. A long narrow passageway is dimly lit by pillars of candles ghostly glowing, casting shadows off each other. 

 I slowly gain my composure. As I do, I hear faint sounds stemming from the end of the long hallway. I am drawn to the sounds like a bee drawn to the sweet smell of nectar. I am being pulled like a marionette with no mind of its own. With no ability to turn and run. An unseen force is directing me towards the unknown sounds. As I get closer the sounds become piercing. Sounds of music playing, voices singing, and people laughing drift down the corridor echoing through the hall. Getting louder and louder, the intense noise causes me to cuff my ears. A scream escapes me as pain takes over. It's everywhere.

Suddenly, everything stops. There is a deafening sense of pure silence. 

A fuzzy shadow appears out of the yellowing dim light. I strain my eyes trying to capture what I see. Stricken by fear, I am terrified but I can't look away. I don't want to look away. A strange presence is making me glare at the unknown. When instantaneously a figure appears. A tall mysterious man, with long dark hair as black as coal, eyes as deep and dark as a raging river, and skin that glows like rays of a midday sun. 

This unknown stranger holds out his hand and motions for me to come to him. I reach out and embrace his hand in mine. Heat radiates from his touch. Alluring me to his side, he wraps his powerful arm around my waist and guides me down the hall to the waiting room. His touch is enticing. I can't pull away. Neither one of us speaks. The quietude is peaceful yet frightening.

We stand outside the door to the unknown room. He is still embracing me as we both stand in silence. I look down not wanting to make eye contact with this mysterious man. Without warning he gently touches my chin, lifting my head, causing me to look at him. I swallow hard. I am the first to speak.

"Where am I?" I ask, my voice shaking.

"You are in my domain." The mysterious stranger replies.

"Domain? Who are you."

He speaks softly. "I'm an Angel. I summoned you here. I have been searching through all ages for a companion to sit by my side. I have finally found her. You will be my Queen. We will rule our 'world' together."

Queen of his 'world'. What world???

A strange sensation overtakes me as he opens the door to the waiting room. We step inside. The door closes, But, when I turn to look toward where I had just been, there is no door, only a wall. A collaboration of feelings and emotions engulf me. I begin to feel dizzy. The room is spinning or it is me. Fire is all around me. All four walls are encased in flames. The blaze seems to devour everything around, yet nothing burns. I feel so hot, is it because of the flames, or something else? 

The Angel leads me to a black leather settee. Motioning me to sit down. I do. He places his body in close proximity to mine. I feel heat expelling from him. Flirtatiously, he places his hot eager hand on my thigh, caressing me as his long slim fingers slowly move closer to my forbidden darkness. He throws his head back as an incarnal moan escapes from his lips. Artfully, yet schemingly this intriguing man begins softly laying kisses up and down my neck as he whispers in my ear, "I want you, come to me." I'm captivated by his touch. I lean closer to him, craving his embrace. I slowly take a deep breath and inhale the sexual manly scent which is now escaping his sultry body.

Then suddenly....

"Hey Luse, where did you go?"

I turn to see a beautiful slender, curvaceous young woman with long gorgeous blonde hair make her way over to where we are sitting. Wearing a red silk dress and six-inch heels, she quickly approaches. She displays a 'come-hither smile as she speaks.

"I went to get Crystal," he snarls in a strong, enraged voice as he burns a gaze at the woman. 

Crystal? that's my name. How does he know my name?

"How do you know my name?" I question.

"I know everything about you, Crystal." The Angel says.

" I know What you like. What you hate, What you want."

"You want what I have to offer. You will take what I have to offer."

I look away, but I feel a power luring me to look back at him.

He continues.

"You lust for money."

He waved his hands and money poured from the burning flames. Bills fluttering toward me like delicate birds on a gentle breeze. I held up my hands in disbelief as the currency of numerous denominations flew around me. 

"You hunger for lust. Look around you.

Suddenly, my eyes were opened to what I hadn't seen before. Beings were engorged with one another. Craving and thirsting for desire. Ravishing one another provocatively. Moaning, scratching, licking, and to be truthful, quite artful in their sexual positions. The scene was embarrassing but yet invigorating and exciting.

"You live for gluttony."

He clapped his hands and again I was seeing things I hadn't before. Exotic foods and drinks were plenty. Bottles of alcohol filled the tables, counters, and portions of walls that did not contain burning ashes. Riches of everything imaginable were thrown about (gems, diamonds, emeralds, rubies). Immense bronze and golden statues of winged creatures I couldn't quite make out were decorated with tanzanite and black opals. I could not believe my own eyes.

"All for your taking, my LOVE!" He continued. "All for your taking!"

"You are vain."

"Your pride holds you captive in your world. Here, you are free to be the true you. Flaunt all you have and will have. Flatter yourself. You are a gorgeous sexy woman. Show off your appearance. Be proud of your looks and of who you really are. Brag about yourself all you want. You are beautiful. No one will knock you for it. Here, the conceit is a virtue." 

 "All you have ever wanted and sought for in your world is here for the taking. Be my Queen and rule with me. And this will all be yours!!"

"No! This doesn't feel right. I want to leave. Please send me back!" I scream. 

"No, you will stay!!!!" The Angel announces forcefully.

The floor begins to shake and open up beneath my feet.

I Scream!!!

Suddenly, flames are smothering me. I'm burning. My hair is on fire!!! Swirling flames surround me as I plead and beg the angel to let me go. I'm inhaling smoke. I can't breathe.

"You will do as I say! You can not and will not resist me! You are mine!!!!"

"Help me, please. Let me go!!!." I beg.

Everyone/thing is laughing and pointing at me. They are singing and dancing and swirling through the flames. They are not human anymore. They are hideous creatures with horns and spikes on their heads, fangs, long pointy fingers, hair and scales on their bodies, red eyes that glow as red flames in a fire.

"Make her yours!" screech the creatures.

"What is happening? Get me out of here!!" I scream in panic.

The Angel begins to belch smoke and ash as he speaks. Thunder roars with each spoken word. Fire spurs from his nostrils. Black wings as coarse as sandpaper emerge from his shoulders.

"Grrrrr, You are mine!. Your soul is mine, give it to me!! You will remain in Hell with me."

The thing claws and spits at me. It slithers around me like a snake, hissing and spitting, hissing and spitting.

I hear the woman in the red dress yell, "Lucifer, take her!" 

The beast bellowed with rage as it flew toward me, black wings flapping powerfully, knocking me to the floor. As I try to get back on my feet, I am surrounded by creatures whooshing and whizzing by me in a spectacular array of images. For they are now creatures I can't describe. Raspy and gnashing sounds I can't comprehend spew from their mouths. They are the most grossly 'thing's I have ever set my eyes on.

The 'things' are now combining into one, spiraling and whispering around and around leaving trails of vivid colors. Circling me, making sounds that are incomprehensible. I am being engulfed in smoke. Suddenly, all I see is a huge black blob racing toward me, screeching and crying "Eeeeeeek". Flapping its wings, its eyes on fire, the beast's gruesome wings swarm me. It grips me with its long sharp talons, as I struggle to getaway. I am being dragged into an abyss.

"Nooooooo!" I scream, My heart beating like a freight train pulling a heavy load. Sweating so profusely my clothes cling to my body as everything goes dark. 

"Brrring, brrring", I jump up steadfast, as I realize my alarm clock is going off. I sit quietly as I listen to the pounding of my heart, secretly persuading it to slow down. Perspiration saturates my body. As I slowly come out of my slumber, I glance at the time registered on my alarm clock. It reads 5:45 a.m. I've been asleep for six hours. Thinking out loud I utter, "Wow! What the!.... What the Hell is going on?" I close my eyes and take a deep breath. As I open my eyes, recall hits me. "Oh ya, I remember. The man was that ever a strange dream." 

Suddenly, I hear a soft whisper in my ear, "Not a dream Crystal, not a dream. You will be mine forever!"

"You're the Devil!!!" I whisper softly.

"You're my Queen." The Devil replies seductively.


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cecillia martin

Jun 22, 2024


c m

cecillia martin

Jun 22, 2024

Sorry, i meant nice story

Preeti Saroj

Aug 16, 2023

Nice story


Shelly Garrod

Dec 1, 2023

Thank you preeti

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