
Duke A.K.A. Bubba Boy

A girl agrees to care for her neighbor's special needs dog not knowing how this kind gesture would change her life and the life of another canine forever. After the dog dies she knows what she must do. She must adopt dog. Meet Duke, a cute little black Labrador puppy. Watch as their love and adventures grow. Duke only lives a few short years but their love is strong.

Mar 8, 2021  |   10 min read


Shelly Garrod
Duke A.K.A. Bubba Boy
4 (8)
My heartfelt story takes place about twenty years ago. I met a young married couple named Nathan and Sally Duncan. They lived in the same neighborhood as I occupied. Three doors down they resided with their beautiful red borderline collie named Sarge. He was a well-mannered and very smart dog. They had adopted Sarge from a shelter when he was five. He had been removed from his previous owners because of abuse and neglect. In the shelter, Sarge had been overlooked countless times. It had been presumed because of his age. Nathan and Sally believed it was because Sarge had only three legs. Also, Sarge had other health issues related to his mistreatment.

This remarkable couple related their story to me of how they first met Sarge. They claimed it nearly broke their hearts when they initially set their eyes on him. The precious pup had one leg amputated because of broken bones caused by his previous owners. Also, his neck was raw where a chain had been placed around it and he was left outside to survive on his own in all kinds of inclement weather. Sarge had suffered internal injuries as well. He was extremely malnourished and his fur was matted. Nathan acknowledged that as they tried to approach him, he became very withdrawn and began to tremble, growl, and whimper. Sally proclaimed that Sarge eventually gained their trust and they took him home to begin the nurturing and healing process. They pointed out that within a few short months there was a miraculous improvement in Sarge's overall health and well-being. Nathan looked at me with a huge smile on his face and said, "You know, there's a special bond that's formed within this unique little triangle that can't be broken". He then reached down and gave Sarge a loving pat on his head as he gazed into his wife's gleaming eyes.

Day after day I watched as the love within this 'unique little triangle' grew immensely stronger. Through the relationship between Nathan, Sally, and Sarge, I could easily see the sincere love and attention they gave to their beloved pet. And the unconditional love that Sarge eagerly returned to his cherished owners. Undoubtedly, their relationship was one of the purest I have ever seen between a human and their pet. This amazing couple devoted so much of their time, energy, and love to build a strong connection with Sarge. He will never know how lucky and blessed he was to have been adopted by these two wonderful people.

Sally and I were at Montey's Deli Cafe enjoying lunch when she said to me, "I have to ask you something and I hope you will say yes". I listened attentively as she proceeded to tell me she and Nathan were being deployed overseas. They were leaving in seven days. They wanted me to take care of Sarge "FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE", as she put it. Moments seemed to stand still. I was paralyzed and couldn't speak. Tears welled in her eyes as she waited for me to respond to her question. My heart breaking and my stomach aching I gently took her hand in mine. Gazing into her teary eyes I said, "I can't". Never having owned a pet, particularly a special needs pet. I didn't have any idea how to take care of this unique animal. And I couldn't let her down. She continued to peer into my eyes as she said, "Yes you can. You need Sarge as much as Sarge needs you".

I embraced the idea of giving Sarge a new loving home. So, I took him in and we began our journey together. Sarge and I enjoyed the benefits of each other's companionship for the next three years. We savored our times together at the beach (he loved the water), at the dog park, going for rides, eating ice cream (a special treat for Sarge), going for walks, and curling up together watching television. At the tender age of eight Sarge circumcised to his demise. His previous neglect and abuse were too much for his body to handle.

I cherished the memories that Sage and I developed over the three years we were together. But, now something was missing. So, I began my search for a very special dog. A new companion. Without a doubt, I was definitely going to adopt my new best friend. Decision making on what size dog was pretty easy, a big breed, not a little breed. My heart was telling me to get a puppy in hopes of spending many, many years together (at least 14 or more). As I was doing a lot of thinking and contemplating on what kind of pup to get, I finally settled on a black lab puppy. I knew my search would be difficult, but I wouldn't give up. It took me a while, however, it ultimately happened. The best day of my life!

The day had come! The day I had been anticipating for so long had finally arrived. It was the phone call I had been waiting for for so many months. Thrilled beyond joy, I was filled with an abundance of bliss and happiness. My patience had finally paid off. Being filled with excitement, my heart was beating so rapidly it was almost impossible to breathe. I was so exhilarated I wanted to burst into happy tears.

It was 9:45 on a bright, sunny Tuesday morning in June when I received the call. An employee at The West Greenfield Animal Shelter said an older gentleman had recently dropped off a beautiful black lab male puppy. However, the man didn't offer many details about the pup. A worker at the shelter guessed the pup was approximately three or four months of age. After a brief assessment of the puppy, she stated he looked clean and healthy. I inquired about the hours of operation at the shelter. The attendant told me the shelter was open from 10:00 until 6:00, and I could come down anytime to take a look at the puppy. Instantly, I hung up the phone and inhaled a long, deep breath and prepared to meet this precious little canine I hoped would be mine.

Without hesitation, I gathered my belongings and stepped out the door into an awaiting mist of light rain. My body shaking, I hopped into my SUV and headed down Michigan Avenue towards Buckingham Street which housed the only animal shelter within sixty-eight miles. As I entered the West Greenfield Animal Shelter, I was immediately embraced by the sights, sounds, and smells that overtook my senses. I was comforted by a scent of fresh lavender that lingered in the air. Cries of dogs eager to find their forever family rang in my ears. The floors of each individual kennel were surprisingly clean. There were soft blankets and/or beds for each dog. Food and water were plentiful in their bowls. It was easy to see that the volunteers who spent their time here took extreme care in maintaining the welfare of the animals.

As I gazed around at the pleasant surroundings, my attention was immediately drawn to a little black puppy snuggled on a blue blanket in the corner of his make-shift home. Looking into this puppy's warm, brown eyes I felt a connection so strong it nearly took my breath away. When our eyes met and he slowly wagged his little tail I knew I was hooked! That's when it was clear to me I couldn't resist this little black ball of fluffy fur. His endearing eyes sank into the deepest part of my soul and melted my heart. He cautiously lifted his little head and clumsily scooted over to me as I knelt down on my knees. He laid down on his belly in front of me and placed a tiny, black paw on my lap. I sensed that this pup was already putting some trust in me (they say dogs can sense people's emotions, maybe he was sensing mine). Then he slowly looked up at me. As his soft, brown eyes met mine I felt a strong sensation that he was pleading for me to take him home. As my eyes filled with tears, I straddled him in my arms and snuggled him against my neck. He lovingly lifted his head and began to kiss my salty tears away. I could not hold back, I sniffled quietly as my tears spilled from my eyes and gently rolled down my cheeks. As my newfound friend continued to kiss my tears away, I held him tighter and whispered "I love you, little buddy".

Holding him closely I gingerly made my way to the front desk and proceeded to fill out the adoption papers. When I was finished I left West Greenfield Animal Shelter with my new best friend. Meet Duke. In Latin Duke means "Leader of the Herd". It's said that dogs named Duke are playful, loving, and loyal. And I had a feeling he was going to be that and so much more.

Duke was a quick learner. Within his first year he could do all kinds of tricks such as rollover, sit, shake, high five, down, stay, hold a treat on his nose until you said, "ok", then he would catch it in his mouth. He learned very quickly how to walk on a leash. Leash training seemed to come naturally for him. He enjoyed walks. When he was determined to go for a walk he would stroll over to where his leash was hanging; sit, stare at the leash, lift up one of his front paws (paw at the leash hanging down), then look at me and bark. That was my cue!! It was time for our walk. He was such a character!!

Besides going for walks, Duke ( A.K.A Bubba Boy) loved to play catch. His specialty was playing catch with tennis balls. He loved playing ball. I always knew when he wanted to play. He would give me that 'doggy look'. His eyes would just sparkle as if to say, "Come on ma, I want to play ball". As soon as I would get up and head over to where the balls were kept, he would start barking and jumping in circles, kinda being goofy. Quickly, I'd gather the tennis balls. He had a bad habit of not bringing them back to me, therefore, I needed a good supply of balls. A dozen of those round spheres were a pretty good amount to have. For a dog that grew to be eighty pounds, he was quite agile. He didn't have much trouble catching the balls. I would toss them high into the air and he would jump forward, backward, or to the side as high as he could to catch them. Sometimes he would even flip or twirl to catch high-flying balls. Then, I would throw line drives as fast as I could and he would quickly dodge to the right or to the left to catch the balls. His concentration was amazing and he always kept his focus on the ball. Sure, he wasn't perfect, he did miss a few once in a while. But he consistently gave it his all. 

Through the years our connection grew stronger. Duke developed into a caring, loving, attentive, and affectionate pet. He had a unique bond with me. Being a very compassionate dog he always wanted to lie on my lap, lie next to me on the floor, or sleep right up against me on my bed. It seemed as though he just wanted to be with me wherever I was. He was so full of energy and wanted to play constantly. One time I was wrestling with him on the bed. He was being so funny I couldn't help but laugh. Laughter filled me so deeply my stomach hurt. The next thing I know he put his body weight over me and pinned me down by placing his paws on my shoulders. He proceeded to lick my face. The more I laughed and turned my head side to side, the more he licked me. Within minutes I was laughing hysterically and found it difficult to stop. But eventually, I caught my breath and slowly succeeded in calming down. 

Duke was now five years old. my pup that had been so full of energy and fun-loving play was not acting the same. Sure, he still played with tennis balls (mainly to please me, I think) but not like he once did. And I thought to myself, he is too young to slow down as much as he had in just a few short years. Something was wrong. I could feel it in my heart. I had noticed other small changes with Duke but didn't think too much of it until now. His appetite had slowed. My beloved pet was losing weight. He was drinking more water. He was panting heavily for reasons that I couldn't understand. My once energetic pup was less active. My Bubba seemed to be sleeping more. Dukey had thrown up three times in one week. Well, it was time to contact the vet. I made the call, and three days later we had an appointment to see what was wrong with my "Bubba Boy'.

The word hit me like a freight train. "Duke has cancer". The vet acknowledged, "It is a very aggressive form of cancer". He continued to talk, but, I hadn't been listening. I was stuck on the word CANCER. My heart was throbbing, my mind was spinning, "Cancer". I said softly. Holding back my tears I began to focus on what the vet was saying. Surgery! It was a possibility but didn't sound very promising. We scheduled surgery. His surgical procedure would take place in five days.

At 7:15 on a cool April morning, I took Duke to the vet to drop him off for his surgery. The receptionist sitting behind the counter said someone would call me when Duke was out of surgery. Three hours later the phone rang. My heart began pounding faster and faster as I anticipated what the doctor was going to say. My body was trembling as I answered the phone. It was Mr. Nielson, the Veterinarian Doctor. His words mumbled in my head as he proceeded to explain to me that Duke was full of cancer and his life expectancy was about three weeks. What a blow!!! I could not believe what my ears were hearing. Frozen by the shock I couldn't speak. As my mind slowly cleared I heard him say I could pick up Duke when I was ready. Tears welling up in my eyes I managed to choke out the word "Ok". Standing still I felt overwhelming pain. I couldn't move. It was hard to breathe. My eyes were blinded by my tears. Breathing in deeply I whispered to myself, "Pull it together and go get your Bubba Boy. He needs you and is waiting for you".

Dukey lived for two weeks after his surgery. His remaining weeks were filled with so much love. We cuddled, we snuggled, we gave kisses. I talked to him, I prayed for him. Our walks were very short but we walked together. He continued to sleep on my bed, his cold wet nose and warm soft breathing gently caressing the nape of my neck. And of course, yes, we played ball. Instead of twelve or thirteen balls being thrown and caught, there were two or three balls being tossed gently so he didn't have to run hard to catch them. At least he was playing ball. Doing something he loved to do with ME. And in return, I treasured playing ball with HIM.

The day I took Duke to the vet to be euthanized was a sad but strangely peaceful day. As Duke and I walked up the sidewalk towards the vet's office, a receptionist by the name of Marcia met us at the door. She kindly guided us to a room towards the back of the hallway. As I waited patiently for the doctor, I tried to hold in my tears. Dukey was wagging his tail oblivious of what was about to happen. He continued to wag his tail and give me kisses as if to say everything is ok. After a very short waiting period, the doctor walked into the room. He gently lifted Duke up onto the table. I stood in front of Duke and held his head in my arms. I was taken in by how tender and gentle the doctor was as he prepared to put Duke to sleep. I watched as the doctor administered the medication. Doctor Nielson said it would take one to two minutes for the pentobarbital to take effect. Then he left the room so I could privately say my goodbyes to Dukey. The doctor said to take as much time as I needed. I leaned down closer to Duke so I could hold him tighter to me. He lovingly looked at me with those beautiful, brown eyes as if to say "Don't cry mom. It's ok, I am going home, now".  At that moment a dam burst. I cried and cried and cried. He gently began to kiss my salty tears away as he closed his eyes and took his last breath. I snuggled him tenderly against my neck. As tears flowed from my eyes and streamed down my cheeks I whispered "I love you Bubba Boy".

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Tracy Hunt

Feb 10, 2025

Beautiful story of a dog lover and their journey. Good job Shelly!!


Shelly Garrod

Feb 10, 2025

Thank you!


Sherry Roby

Feb 10, 2025

Very touching story..


Shelly Garrod

Feb 10, 2025

Thank you Sherry.

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