Dixie came home from school one afternoon and is told that she no longer lives with her parents that she now belonged to Jimmy and for her to pack her bags. Confused on the whole situation Dixie tried talking to her momma but her momma did everything that Dixie’s father told her to do or she’d face his wrath. Dixie quietly went into her room got her basic needs and some of her clothes then put them into an old pillow case and went out to the living room. She sat the bag down next to the chair and walked over to her mother, gave her a hug and whispered, “momma someday, you will be brave enough to leave him too.” Her mother a tiny frail looking woman gave her a quick smile and then told her to get her bag and go wait for Jimmy on the porch. Dixie knew her life was about to change, she just didn’t realize at the time that it wasn’t for the better. She sat down on an old wooden rocker on the front porch and watched her brothers and sisters playing in the front yard. Lost in thought Dixie didn’t hear Jimmy’s truck come up the driveway, her father came over to the porch and yelled “Dixie! Are you deaf girl?” “Jimmy’s here! Get your ass in the truck you don’t live here anymore!” Dixie grabbed her bag and stepped down off of the porch. She knew not to give her father any kind of hug or goodbye because he has been drinking, so she walked over to the passenger side of the truck opened the door and got in.
She watched as Jimmy and her father talked shook hands and said their goodbyes. Jimmy got into the truck and took a long look at Dixie. He asked her, “Are you a woman?’ Dixie knew what he is asking so she said quietly, no. Jimmy started laughing and said, “well tonight that’s going to change.” He started his truck and drove down the driveway. Dixie’s life from that day on changed her forever! By the time Dixie was 18 years old she is a mother of two boys with another baby on the way. Jimmy only wanted to touch her on his drunken binges any other time he is out sleeping with women from Cheyenne and anywhere else he could find a woman he could seduce into believing he is a good guy. Of course he never mentioned being married because Jimmy refused to wear a wedding ring although he and Dixie had to be married to keep Jimmy from going to jail for being with a minor. Dixie’s parents signed the papers for their daughter to get married but what they really signed was a prison sentence for their daughter. Jimmy was not at the hospital for any of the births of their children. By the time Dixie reached 25 she is so broken and beaten that she no longer knew the girl she used to be. Dixie is strapped down with four kids, no education and a want to leave this life she is living behind. Over the past 10 years Jimmy has grown more and more violent with his name calling and insults, his hitting, pushing and choking Dixie. During the past few months Dixie has become withdrawn from her kids and most of all from herself. But, what no one knows is she is secretly plotting her revenge and escape from Jimmy. Day in and day out she continued to take his loud yelling and just plain meanness. Dixie had put all of the kids to bed and is getting ready to clean up after dinner when she heard Jimmy’s truck pull up to the house. She knew it was going to be a fight again because he hadn’t been home for a week and that meant that he has been with however many bar flies and is now coming home to tell Dixie how all these women satisfied him because his worthless good for nothing wife can’t. Dixie shuttered as she heard the front door slam. Jimmy started yelling, “Woman! Woman!” Woman where the hell are you?! Dixie walked into the living room and said Jimmy I’m right here! Now hush, I just put the kids to bed. Jimmy looked at her then said, shut your mouth and go get me a beer!
Dixie stood there for a minute and right as she decided to turn to walk to the kitchen, he said, “didn’t you hear me bitch!” Yes! Dixie said in an angry tone. She went to the kitchen to get him his beer and as she went to turn to go back to the living room she stopped and stared for a moment at the block of knives sitting on the counter; having visions of stabbing him to death and then cutting his tongue out for all the times he called her those horrible names and told her she was worthless.
Finally, she collected her thoughts and walked out to the living room to find Jimmy still standing in the same spot. A feeling came over her because she knows that he wants to fight and that things are about to get real ugly. Dixie walked over to him and said, “here babe, here’s your beer.” Sorry, I snapped like that, it’s been a long day with the kids. Jimmy looked at his bottle of beer then he smiled at her and said, long day huh? Dixie answered yes, it has been. Jimmy started to laugh. Then suddenly he hit her on the side of her head with the beer bottle knocking her to the floor. Jimmy jumped on top of her and hit her couple more times with the beer bottle. Dixie could feel the glass going into her head and face. She is screaming, “Jimmy I’m sorry!” He is yelling, you don’t talk to me like that you worthless whore! Your daddy thought you are worthless too! Why do you think he gave you to me for a damn old tractor that barley ran a month! Dixie is crying, I know Jimmy, you saved me, I know! Jimmy stood up and looked down at Dixie, her small thin body lying on the floor bleeding. He then stretched his hand down to her as if to help her up off of the floor. Dixie tried collecting herself and reached for his hand. He grabbed her hand then started kicking her in the side with his boots. Dixie is crying for him to stop. Finally, he let go of her hand and she fell back to the floor. She laid there whimpering in pain. Dixie knows he has once again broke her ribs because he has broken them so many times before and she knows what it feels like. He yells to her, to get the hell up off of his floor and to clean up her damn blood! Dixie moved and started coughing, she is trying to get up off of the floor, but it just wasn’t fast enough. Jimmy is on her again punching and slapping her in the face. Dixie is crying, and he didn’t want the kids to wake up, so he started choking her; he choked her so hard that Dixie could feel herself start to pass out and then right before she did, he loosened his grasp. After about an hour of his torture, he let her off of the floor and demanded her to get rags to clean up her blood and to clean the mess in the kitchen too. Dixie stumbled into the bathroom to get a towel, she looked in the mirror and she could not believe what she saw. He had cut her face really deep with the bottle. She could feel warmth running down her neck but did not realize it was that bad. So she opened the medicine cabinet and got the sewing kit, she kept it there because she’s had to sew up her cuts many times before. She stood there in the bathroom and sewed up the open cuts on her face because going to the hospital is out of the question. After she got the deepest ones sewn closed on her face and head she went back out to the living room to clean up her blood.
Dixie is angry! “Why! Why did she deserve this kind of life!” What has she ever done to deserve living and being treated like this! From that night on Dixie had anger and a fire growing deep inside of her. She is now planning to either leave or be killed to end the misery she lives every day. But then she would think of her children and tell herself that being killed is not an option. “But….killing Jimmy is!” Over the next few days Dixie hatched her plan on how she is going to kill Jimmy and take their kids and leave for Montana. Dixie knows where Jimmy hides his money and knows he isn’t sure how much he has hid, and she plans to take it all when she leaves, call it payment for all of her pain and suffering.
Dixie figured she could endure his kind of hell for a few more months. What the hell is a little more time, he’s already stole 10 years from her. Any chance that Dixie got, she would get her hands on a little bit of his money and put it in a bag under the floor boards that Jimmy didn’t know is there. When Jimmy is gone to work Dixie practices driving his truck. She has to do it while the kids are in school so that they did not slip up and tell their dad that Dixie is driving his new truck. Dixie does not have a license. She has never had the opportunity to get her license no one has ever taught her how to drive, so she is teaching herself. She watches the gas gage and is sure to add gas to put the marker where he had left it. She was able to figure out a way to keep the mileage from registering too. Dixie packed up bags for all the kids and herself and hid them in the attic, so that no one knows of her plans. Jimmy came home and told Dixie to pack him a bag of clothes that he is going to a job in Gillette for a week. Dixie packed his bag and brought it out to the living room to him. He stood up grabbed the bag, bent down and kissed her then took a step back and looked at her for a second. Then he said, looks like those bruises and cuts are starting to heal up nicely. Dixie wasn’t sure if she should agree. Then she said, “yeah I guess they are.” Jimmy became furious. “You guess!” “There ain’t no guessing! Either they are healing or they aren’t!” All of a sudden he back handed her and then grabbed her wrist pulled her back towards him and then back handed her again then said, “now I guess they ain’t healed so good anymore!” He grabbed his bag and laughed at her and told her, you know you’re a stupid bitch aren’t you? He turned and walked out the door.
Dixie stood there for a moment and once she heard the truck start up and his radio blasting, she just lost it, she started screaming and yelling! “Well, I guess you’re going to die you stupid bastard! I hate you!“ She started breaking things and screaming and crying. Not realizing that Jimmy has forgotten something and had come back inside the house and heard her screaming and yelling that she hated him, and is breaking things. As Dixie pulled another plate off the wall to throw she saw him standing in the living room watching her. He walked towards Dixie then stopped just out of her reach and said, “so you really hate me?” Dixie is quiet. He said it again in a louder voice and Dixie just stood there not sure what to say. “He yelled at her, so you fucking hate me!” Dixie looked at him with a look he has never seen before then she screamed, “Yes! I hate you, Jimmy!” He is shocked that she had the nerve to say that to him. He just stood there looking at this broken beautiful woman that he has completely destroyed. “Then he said, well Dixie, you are free to leave me anytime.” Dixie looked at him knowing he is lying. “He said, no really Dixie, you’re free to go.” “Then Dixie said, really, just like that?” “Yep! He said. Just like that.” Dixie smiled and then looked at him. Jimmy says well what are you going to do? Dixie thought about it for a minute and said the kids and I will leave. Jimmy looked at her and said, no, I said you could leave. My kids stay here. Dixie said those are my kids too. Jimmy started coming closer to her and Dixie took a step back and ended up against the china hutch. Jimmy got right in her face and then grabbed her around the throat and said to her, “I don’t give a fuck if you leave, but my kid’s stay here.” “If I get back from work and my kids are gone, I will hunt you down and gut you like a fish then bury your body where no one will ever find you…got it!” Dixie shook her head yes. Jimmy started squeezing her throat even harder then said, “I should just snap your neck right now and be done with you!” He then slammed her head up against the china hutch cracking the glass then he let go of her and said, “I meant what I said; I will kill you, if you take my kids anywhere.”
Jimmy grabbed his beer and walked out slamming the door shut behind him. A couple of days have passed since Jimmy has been home and the threat of him killing her if she takes the kids has been playing over and over in her mind. She decided that she is going to count the money she has been stashing over the past few months to see how much she has. She counted eight hundred dollars. That night Dixie put the kids to bed and grabbed her a beer and sat in Jimmy’s chair and thought about what she should do. Dixie decided she needed more money she could never live on eight hundred dollars with four kids and she will have to leave the state for sure. The next morning Dixie got the kids ready for school and her daughter Emily asked her, mommy what happen to your face? Did daddy do that again? Dixie started crying. She hugged her daughter. As she watched the kids walk down the driveway to the bus she told herself that it’s time Dixie Lee, it’s time to pack those kids up and get out of here, before your daughter thinks that a man is supposed to treat her this way and your boys end up turning out to be like Jimmy. As the tears ran down her face she just stood there thinking about what she has to do and how much more she has to endure to be able to save her kids. Later that day Dixie decided to take the chance and drive the truck on the highway to town and get a few things. When she is in town she went to the grocery store and the people in the store are staring at her but she kept her head down and got what she needed and went to cash out. The girl at the register asked her if she was ok and if she needed any help. Dixie just smiled a tearful smile and said, no thank you. “The cashier leaned over to her and told her, you need to shoot that son of a bitch!” Dixie smiled again then grabbed her bag of stuff and walked back out to the truck. When she got in the truck she sat there in the parking lot holding her head on the steering wheel sobbing. Finally, she started the truck and headed towards home. Dixie did not realize that the kids only had a half day of school and when she got home they are sitting on the porch waiting for her. Dixie’s heart started to race as soon as she saw them sitting there. She pulled up and parked the truck exactly like Jimmy had it then she got out of the truck and the kids started asking her where she went and that they didn’t know she could drive. Dixie told them that if they are quiet about it, that she had goodies in the bag for them. All of them except for James promised to be quiet and keep the secret. James is Jimmy’s favorite and will tell his dad what his mom is up to while he’s been gone working. Dixie sat in Jimmy’s chair and said James, honey come here. James looked at her and said you drove dad’s truck and you’re not supposed to, I need to tell dad. Dixie said, no honey, you don’t need to tell daddy. Mommy just went to get you kids some goodies. “James looked at her and said, no you didn’t, you went to see another man while daddy’s gone.” Dixie said why did you say that James? She said in an angry voice. Daddy told me to make sure when he is gone that you don’t have any men come here and you aren’t supposed to leave because another man will steal you from us and I’m supposed to tell him. Dixie became furious with Jimmy for using her children as pawns for him to keep tabs on her. James, there is no other man. I just went to town to the store and got you some goodies. Dixie handed the goodies to the kids then went to her room and shut the door. Dixie knows that James is going to tell Jimmy that Dixie had drove the truck to town and that she will get the beating of a lifetime now. She also knows that she just does not have enough money to leave yet.
Dixie laid on her bed and cried. She cried so hard that she cried herself to sleep. A few hours later Dixie woke to the kids making ruckus in the living room and then she heard the kids yelling, daddy daddy, we missed you! She could hear Jimmy ask where is your mother? Emily said she’s not feeling good so she laid down a little while ago. Dixie took a deep breath and went out into the living room to see Jimmy standing there holding Emily. For a brief moment she thought what a handsome man and that she has such a beautiful family. Then reality hit when James said, “daddy guess what! Mommy can drive!” James looked at Dixie and smiled real big grabbing his goodie wrappers and said see she drove to town and got us some candy. Jimmy looked at Dixie with fire in his eyes. He sat Emily down and told the kids to go out and play and not to come back inside until he calls for them. James said are you gonna hit her now daddy for going to visit that man? What man? Jimmy said. The man mommy’s seeing in town daddy. James tells him. The kids headed outside and James turned to his mother and smiled and waved to her. Jimmy walked over to the door and shut and locked it. He turned to Dixie and said well when the cats away, the mouse will play huh? Dixie said no. I’m not seeing any man. I went to town to get the kids some candy and you some beer. Uh huh…Jimmy said. Where the hell are you getting the money to buy these things? He asked. Jimmy you left $15 on your night stand, so I thought I’d be sweet and go get the kids something and you some beer for when you got home. Jimmy just stared at her for a minute. He was trying to remember if he left money on his night stand like she said. Dixie has never lied to him before so he accepted her answer about the money. So how long you been driving my truck Dix? He asked. She told him about a month. Jimmy started shaking his head. What else are you doing around here Dix when I’m gone? Is there a man coming to lay with you when I’m not here? No Jimmy. Dixie answered. Jimmy started walking closer to her. Dixie knew that if he got within arm’s length of her, that it is over, he’d have her once again. Dixie started backing up the closer he was getting to her not realizing that she was backing down the hallway and there is no way for her to get away from him. Jimmy starts laughing and says, so I leave to go to work and you’re driving my truck and sleeping with another man. Dixie said, driving, yes. No men, I haven’t been with any other man, only you Jimmy all of my life, only you babe. “Jimmy yelled furiously, you’re a liar!” He then flew at her knocking her onto the hardwood floor. She hit her head, knocking her dizzy for a moment. He sat on top of her and started slapping her and calling her a lying whore. Dixie started fighting back and Jimmy became more furious. He started punching her and he grabbed her hands and held them to the floor and then he bent down and started kissing her. She is turning her head away and he started biting her lips. Dixie is kicking her feet and trying to get away from him, the biting is hurting so bad that instant tears came to her eyes. Jimmy started biting her neck really hard and Dixie started screaming and suddenly she mustered up enough strength to knee him in the nuts and he rolled off of her. She got up and started kicking him and screaming I hate you, you sorry bastard! She went to kick him again and he grabbed her leg causing her to fall onto the floor again. As she hit the floor she instantly started kicking her other leg and with one of the kicks she connected with Jimmy’s face and broke his nose. He became more furious and gained strength from somewhere deep and got off of the floor and grabbed Dixie up off the floor and took her in the bedroom and threw her on the bed. He grabbed a small blanket that is lying on the bed to wipe his face with and try to get the bleeding from his nose and mouth to stop. Dixie backed up to the head board and is just looking at him; she knew what he wanted to do now that her being a little violent was arousing to him. He told her to take off her clothes. Dixie said, Jimmy just leave me alone. Jimmy said, no baby we are going to have make up sex so take of your damn clothes! Dixie stood up beaten and bruised and started taking off her clothes. She thought to herself let’s just get this over with. Jimmy stood there watching her getting naked and saw her start to reveal her black and blue body. For a moment Jimmy felt a small tinge of remorse, so he walked over to Dixie and said, Dix I’m sorry for the bruises baby. Dixie knew that was just his way of getting her to agree to have sex with him, then after he’s done he complains about how bad she is and that he’s glad he has other women to satisfy him.
Jimmy bent down and started kissing Dixie and squeezing her breasts. Dixie did love the kisses and started to relax some and just let him do what he wanted besides she did enjoy this kind of affection from him, but she knew he’d want anal sex and she hated that, it hurt and he isn’t easy about it. He grabbed her up in his arms and laid her on the bed. Standing over her he is looking at her naked body covered in cuts and black and blue from bruises, but he found himself getting hard. He got on his knees at the end of the bed and grabbed her legs and pulled her to him. Dixie is moaning. She loved when he did this to her, it felt so good. He continued until she climaxed and he could hear her moaning. Suddenly, he flipped her onto her stomach and told her, now baby it’s my turn. Dixie knew he meant he wanted anal. The enjoyment from her climaxing is all gone now. The more she begged and cried for him to be easy that it hurt the harder he thrusted inside of her. Before he was ready to climax he flipped her back and went down on her again…he loved going down on her and he thought that Dixie is the best tasting woman he’s ever had. Dixie started to forget about the pain she is in and once again started to enjoy herself. She tried to keep herself from climaxing because once she did he’d want anal again; but what Jimmy is doing to her is just too good and she could not hold it in any longer and started to moan loudly and she climaxed so hard that when he flipped her on her stomach again, she barely felt him enter her anally. For a second it actually felt good, until he started thrusting harder and harder then again it started hurting her; he was doing it so fast and hard that he came.
Jimmy stood up looking down at Dixie and said now get dressed. Dixie shook her head in agreement, but she took too long to grab her clothes and he is on top of her again slapping her. He pinned her down on the bed and told her that she better never touch his truck again and if she did, she’d be sorry. She told him she is sorry and promised she wouldn’t drive his truck again. Jimmy pulled his pants on and left the room. Dixie sat on the edge of the bed and cried. She knows she has got to kill him, or be killed by him, or leave without her kids. Collecting herself she finished getting dressed and went to the bathroom to clean up. After cleaning up she again looks in the mirror and all she sees is a broken beaten and bruised redhead staring back at her and her seeing that her fire is nearly all burned out. Dixie gets so angry that she hits the wall on each side of the mirror and screams at herself. When she came out of the bathroom she saw that Jimmy had a bag and some other things. Where are you going she asked? I’m going to Cheyenne, there’s a sweet little momma down there that knows how to treat a good man. I plan to stay a couple days with her. “What? Dixie said to him.” “You’re married Jimmy!” Dixie raised her voice at him. “Jimmy asked to who, you?” “That’s a joke.” All you are to me Dixie is an ass fuck and the babysitter to my kids. “Really? Dixie asked him.” “Really! he answered.” Dixie knew she was treading on unstable ground by making a fit, but she is just tired of his cheating and using her. This lit her fuse! Dixie went to their bedroom and started pulling his clothes from the closet and carrying them out to him and throwing them on the floor. She headed back into her room and grabbed another handful of clothes and threw them at Jimmy and said, “get the fuck out!’ “You’re a sorry good for nothing son of a bitch Jimmy Buchannan and I want you out!” Jimmy started laughing at her and said, you stupid worthless bitch, you can’t tell me to get out of my own house! Dixie screamed at the top of her lungs at him to get the fuck out of her house! Jimmy started coming towards her and Dixie looked around for something to hit him with and the fire poker caught her eye. She grabbed the fire poker and as he ran towards her she swung the poker and hit him in the head with it. He fell to the floor and she started hitting him again and again. Her anger is taking over her when she heard a knock on the front door and a little voice asks mommy, are you and daddy ok?
Dixie hollered back at Emily and said yes sweetie we are just talking, you go play, mommy’s making dinner. Dixie turned and looked at Jimmy laying there on the floor and some blood had come from his head. She checked him and unfortunately he is still alive. She had to figure out how to get the kids out of there so she could finish the job; he is going to die tonight. She doesn’t want him coming for her after when she takes the kids and she would always be looking over her shoulder. The phone rang and scared the hell out of her. She answered hello. A sweet voice was on the line and said Dixie is that you? Yes, she answered. Hi honey, its momma. Hi momma, what do you need, I don’t have any money. No Dixie, I am calling to see if I can come get the kids and take them over night to a church revival with me tonight. Dixie thought about it and said yes you can. Ok honey, I will pick them up in a half an hour and make sure you pack a bag for them. Ok, I will have them ready momma. Dixie tells her. They hung up the phone. Jimmy was still lying unconscious on the floor. Dixie knew she has to work fast and get the kids things together. After collecting their things she went out on the front porch to find the kids sitting on the steps. Dixie says, kids I got some good news grandma is on her way over and you are all going camping at a church revival with her tonight. The kids are excited, all but James that demanded to see his father. James your daddy is tired and sleeping right now, you can see him when he gets back from Cheyenne next week. “No! He screamed at her. I want to see him now, you dumb bitch!” Dixie grabbed him by his cheeks and said I am your mother and you will not talk to me like that! “Then James said, you are worthless like daddy says.” Dixie grabbed him by his arm and told him that if he don’t like her, that she will be happy to let the state take him away. James started crying. Dixie knows that after they leave for Montana that she would have her hands full with him hating her and disobeying her. She also knows deep down that James is Jimmy’s kind of evil and she needed to get her son help.
They heard a car coming up the driveway. Dixie told her kids stay on the porch while I talk to grandma alone. Dixie walked to the car. “Oh my god! Dixie what happened to your face!” Her mother asked in a loud voice. Dixie said, it’s just been one of those weeks with Jimmy. Do you need a doctor? She asked. No momma. Now listen I don’t have much time. You need to take the kids, but after the revival I want you to meet me at the rest area going north out of town. Why Dixie? She asked. Momma, just do what I ask you please. Dixie how are you going to get there? You don’t even know how to drive. Yes I do, I’ve been teaching myself for a couple of months. What about Jimmy? Her mother asks. I’m taking the kids and leaving him. Dixie he will come after you, you know that don’t you? Yes, and that is why it’s all going to be over tonight. Momma, just please go, I don’t have much time. Ok, Dixie I will be at the rest area tomorrow night by 7 pm. Dixie told her that if she’s late to just keep waiting. Her mother agreed. The kids all got into the car and waved goodbye to their mother. James just scowled at her and as they started driving by her, he gave her the finger. Dixie knows that she has to handle James he is nine, almost ten years old she’s got to get the situation under control before her gets too big for her to handle.. Dixie headed back into the house not knowing what she was going to find or encounter. Jimmy was still laying on the floor knocked out cold. Dixie bent down to check to see if he is still alive and he grabbed her wrist and his eyes opened. She tried to get away but his grasp is too tight. He got up off of the floor and pulled Dixie into him then threw her to the floor. Make me something to eat you crazy good for nothing bitch and bring me a beer! Dixie waited until he is in his chair before she got up off of the floor and went to the kitchen. She told herself that it is now or never so she got her stash of ground up sleeping pills and she rolled them with her rolling pin until they became powder. She heated up a can of chili and mixed the powder in his bowl of chili and into his beer too. She had to wait to take him the beer because of the fizz. When she took him the bowl of chili he asked where his beer was and she said she is bringing it in a minute. Jimmy grabbed the bowl out of her hands hatefully and held it like he was going to throw it at her for a moment while he stared at her. Dixie is praying inside that he will just eat the chili. She walked back into the kitchen and saw that the beer has a little foam, but not much, she wiped it off and carried the beer bottle out to him. She handed him the beer and he chugged it down and demanded that she get him another one. So she went to the kitchen put powder in that beer too and wiped off the foam and took it to him. She sat quietly on the floor while he ate his dinner and drank his beer.
Jimmy did not allow Dixie to sit on the furniture or eat at the same time as the rest of the family. Dixie is only allowed to eat if there are any leftover scraps on his or the kids’ plates. The only time she really got to eat anything is when Jimmy is at work or gone for days. She wasn’t allowed to use the shower in the house he fixed her up something outside with a garden hose and cold water. He really treated her like a dog and now it’s payback time. Dixie kept looking over at Jimmy waiting impatiently for her sleeping pills and Vicodin concoction to work. Jimmy seen her keep turning to look at him and he had a few bites of chili left in his bowl and he threw it at her hitting her in the face with it. When Dixie started to get up to go wash her face and get the burning chili out of her eye, Jimmy yelled at her that he did not tell her that she could get up off of the floor. So, Dixie used the sleeve of her shirt to try to get her eye to stop burning and wipe what she could of the chili off of her face. Jimmy downed his beer and then turned on the TV. Dixie is thinking to herself how in the hell is this guy still awake? I used an entire bottle of sleeping pills and several Vicodin? After about an hour he finally fell asleep. Dixie wasn’t sure if he is completely asleep so she waited for a little while longer before she set her plan into action. Dixie quietly got up off of the floor and walked over to Jimmy, she took the remote control out of his hand and then checks him to make sure he is still breathing. She wants him dead, but not without enduring some of the pain that he has inflicted on her for the past 10 years. She stood there for a couple of minutes looking at him and thinking; how can such a good looking man be so cruel. Jimmy has dark brown hair with a hint of gray and deep blue eyes and a smile that can make any woman’s knees weak. He has a muscular build from working in the coal mines since he was a teenage boy. Dixie loved him and he never loved her in return, He only hurt her, and for many years, she blamed herself for the beatings and the name calling and his cheating. She decided a long time ago that she is no longer going to blame herself.
Dixie thought it’s now or never and she hauled off and slapped the holy hell out of him…backing up because she was sure he’d come flying out of his chair. Nothing, so she slapped him again, then again and again. It felt good to be beating the shit out of him for a change. She waited to see if he’d snap out of his sleep and he didn’t so then she went to the kitchen and opened the catch all drawer and grabbed the duct tape and scissors. Going back into the living room she started cutting off his jeans. Once his jeans and underwear are off she moved him to a heavy wooden chair with arms, she starts duct taping his hands to the arms of the chair. Using nearly the entire roll of tape to ensure if he does wake up he ain’t getting out of this chair to grab a hold of her. Dixie goes out to Jimmy’s truck grabs his tackle box and his Remington 12 gauge over and under shot gun. Puts two shells into her pocket and makes sure the gun is empty before taking it into the house. Dixie sits on the couch and starts rummaging through the tackle box for a fishing hook, and when she finds that there is a new roll of 15lb maxima fishing line. She grabbed the biggest barbed fishing hook in there. Perfect! She says as she closes the lid. Dixie decides to tape each of Jimmy’s feet to the legs of the chair so that he is unable to kick at her when she wakes him up so that he can be a part of what she has in store for him. She wants him to know why she is killing him step by step. After getting his feet taped to the chair she threads the hook with 2 plus feet of fishing line and sets it aside. She then puts one bullet into the shot gun puts it on safety and sets it aside. Dixie walks over to Jimmy bends down and kisses his lips for the last time, and says, now baby, it’s time. “She stands up looking down at him and says you will never call me another bad name again, you will never hit me again, and you will never screw me in the ass again, you sorry bastard!” She let her anger take a hold of her and she hauled off and slapped him again, then punched him in the nose hoping that would wake him up. His blood was running down his face and off of his chin and still he did not wake up. Dixie grabbed the fishing hook and straddled over him she pushed the hook through his face just below his nose then down through his lip then below his lip and back again. Jimmy was waking up when she was half way done with sewing his lips shut. He opened his eyes and saw her and started squirming. “Dixie said, oh baby hold still, I’m almost done and she laughed at him.” Tears started coming from his eyes and she said, oh now the tough guy is going to cry! “Dixie said, I’m sewing mean baby!” “I’m sewing mean!” You will never say another mean word to me again! He is moving his head back and forth trying to keep her from putting the hook back into his face again, but it didn’t help. He started screaming and Dixie started laughing. You are a sorry excuse of a man! Always beating on me and calling me names and cheating on me! “You stole my life Jimmy Buchannan and now I’m going to steal yours!” More tears started rolling down his face and he started sobbing. “Stop crying you coward!” She screamed at him. You brought this on yourself Jimmy all those horrible years you treated me like a dog in front of our children and making James hate me!
She decided that she wants to make sure that his lips are good and sewn shut so she put more fishing line on the barbed hook and continued sewing until he had fishing line sewn from ear to ear! Dixie went out on the front porch and got the splitting maul. She turned the handle of the maul around and hit him in the ribs with the handle over and over again. Finally, she dropped the splitting maul on the floor and walked to the bathroom. She returned with a single razor blade and rubbing alcohol. She pulled the coffee table close so that she could sit on the edge of it while she cut incisions all over his penis with the razor blade and then poured the rubbing alcohol over the open wounds. Jimmy started bouncing around in his chair and screaming through his stiches. Dixie says, keep screaming you coward! I’m not listening she told him; when did you ever listen to my screams you sorry son of a bitch? She then grabbed the wire brush and started scrubbing his balls with it until she saw blood and the more blood she saw the more she scrubbed them with the metal wire brush. Once she was done scrubbing she poured the rest of the rubbing alcohol over them and told him that is for all of the cheating he’s been doing. There is blood all over the floor and Dixie realized that her grand finale has to be done soon, before he passes out and dies. Dixie has to get him to the garage to finish what she started. She has to knock him out first before she could free his hands, so she grabbed the shotgun and hit him in the side of the head with the butt of the gun knocking him out. His head hung to his chest. She grabbed his hair and pulled his head back to see if he was truly out before she cut the tape. There is no response from him at all; in fact she thought she may have killed him with the hit to the head. Dixie started looking around and saw the blood all over the floor and the chair, tears welled up in her eyes and she told herself don’t be stupid Dix, it’s now or never, you must put an end to this because if you let him live, he’s going to kill you. She dragged his limp body thru the living room and out the entry door to the garage to where Jimmy’s block and tackle system is strung up on the rafter in the garage that he uses for hanging deer after hunting. Once the ropes are good and tied to his ankles and feet she tied them to the gamble and she taped his hands together before he woke up so he couldn’t have a chance to stop her. She started pulling on the rope to get him pulled up and hanging. Suddenly Jimmy woke up and started fighting with his legs but he couldn’t stop her… she just kept pulling and pulling that rope until he is finally hanging upside down with his legs spread apart. Dixie then tied the rope to the hook on the wall to secure him in the air and she walks over and picks up his over and under shotgun. Jimmy’s eyes got real big and he started really crying harder. “Dixie said, oh shut up! you big baby, I’m not going to shoot you; that’s your job!” He looked at her because he didn’t know what she is talking about. Dixie smiled real big at Jimmy as she got right in front of him and said, “so baby you know I don’t like anal and you’d do it to me anyway…huh?” Well this is for you, you sick jerk! Dixie grabbed the step ladder that is leaning against the wall and set it up so she could climb it; she then grabbed the gun and climbed the step ladder. Once reaching where she needs to be to finish this, she took the over and under barrel end of the shot gun and rammed it in his ass as far as she could get it to go. Jimmy was screaming a muffled scream through his sewn lips! Dixie has a string in her pocket and tied the string to a nail she found on the rafter and then tied the other end to the trigger of the gun; she made sure that it was good and tight!
Climbing down the ladder she walked over to Jimmy and leaned into him and whispered don’t move baby, the best is yet to come! Dixie walked over and untied the rope from the hook and walked back to him and with one hand she cut the tape on his wrists and he pulled his wrists apart and he swung at her. “Jimmy! She yelled! Stop! You’re going to pull the trigger on the gun if you keep wiggling!” He turned white as a ghost! He had no idea that she has the gun rigged to pull the trigger if he wiggles too much or he doesn’t keep himself hanging up with the rope.
“Dixie handed him the rope and told him to hold it until someone finds him and he’ll live, let go and you’ll die.” Jimmy finally took the rope and is holding it tightly; he knew he couldn’t hold it until someone came to their place…no one ever comes to their place. His tears started falling and hitting the cement floor. Dixie, kissed him on his cheek and said crying ain’t going to change anything, isn’t that what you always said to me? Dixie walked away towards the door and turned to take one last look at what she has done and then she turned out the lights and shut the door behind her. Jimmy hung there in the dark trying to hold himself up, but he doesn’t have much strength left. He let the rope slide for a second and pulled back up real quick. He is thinking to himself that maybe he can let go of the rope fast enough that he would hit the floor before the gun goes off and he hung there contemplating his choices and has a decision to make and make fast. He sent up a prayer. Dixie is in the house getting the rest of her things and the kids things together for their trip. Still not hearing the gun go off, Dixie decided to check to make sure that he is still hanging there and that the trigger was still tied. She quietly opened the door and turned on the light. When Jimmy saw the light come on he started squirming a little and moaning loudly for her, he was moaning I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Dixie could make out the I’m sorry and walked over and got into his face and yelled at him, Oh now you’re sorry! Now that you’re about to die, you’re fucking sorry! Where the hell were those sorry’s when you left me beaten and bruised? You’re only sorry because you’re getting ready to die. That’s the only reason you’re sorry! You lying coward! Dixie checked the trigger and it was still rigged how she had it. “Goodbye, Jimmy you rotten good for nothing excuse of a man and you take that sorry straight to hell with you!” She then slammed the door behind her hoping that will be enough to get the gun to go off, but still nothing. Taking hers and the children’s things to Jimmy’s truck she decided to go back to the house and make one last walk through making sure she didn’t forget anything important. As she is leaving the house walking back to the truck she heard a loud muffled scream and the shotgun go off….
© Ashby Frost