
Ram for Bheem

multiverse of greatest epics of India and completely fictional.

Feb 21, 2024  |   4 min read


Puneeth N
Ram for Bheem
Episode 1- Krupa’s ashram

It was the fourth week of Agnatavasa, and Bheema was carrying Draupadi, who was tired and walking along with his brothers in the dense forest. After some distance, Arjuna hears a sound of someone crying, he runs towards the sound, he finds a dog surrounded by a snake, and a girl crying for help. Immediately Bheema saves the dog and asks the girl for her details. The girl’s name was Tunga and she was serving the sages in Krupa’s ashram with her mother Lahari. When Tunga came with her dog Raji to pick flowers for the pooja, where she gets caught in the snake’s vortex. getting her details, the Pandavas took her to the ashram. After Knowing the matter, sage Krupa and Lahari thank them for their help. When the sage Krupa asks about them, Yudhishthira tells him that his name is Ranga, Draupadi’s name as Mala and introduces his brothers with fake names . He tells a fake story as they are farmers who lost their house and crops due to heavy rain and migrated for shelter. Hearing this, Tunga asks the sages to grant them shelter, to which the sages also agree.

As the days passed Tunga and Draupadi become very close. Thus one evening Tunga, Draupadi and the dog Raji went to pick flowers for Pooja .No matter how far they went, they could not find any flowers suitable for pooja. As the sun was setting, Draupadi called Tunga to get back to ashram, Tunga took her to the Sara river saying that flowers would be found near the river. While picking flowers near the river, they heard sound of chanting mantras. Listening to this, Raji runs towards the sound, it was getting darker and darker, Tunga shouts at Raji but Raji runs without listening, so they also follow her. Raji runs and stops near a cave, where some sages were sitting in front of a homakunda chanting mantras, immediately a circle emerges from that homakunda,All the sages went inside the circle one by one, Tunga and Draupadi were surprised, meanwhile Raji runs and enters the circle, Tunga and Draupadi get scared and they also went inside to bring Raji back, as they enter inside the atmosphere was totally different, the Sun was rising, strange trees, they engrossed in the environment, Meanwhile, Raji observes the circle which was shrinking, and it runs towards the circle and jumps out to other side. Draupadi and Tunga noticed it and they also start running towards the circle but it disappears by the time they get there.

 Everyone in the ashram were scared because those who went to pick flowers did not come even after so long, Raji came to the ashram alone and runs back towards the cave, sage Krupa and Pandavas follow Raji to the cave, Krupa notices the homukunda and pooja materials there in the cave and realizes that it is a place where the time portal opens for sages to travel from one Yuga to another . they were called time travellers means they do homas in the Brahma Muhurta which comes only once in a Yuga for the welfare of the world, and they travel from one Yuga to another Yuga for that Muhurta.

Krupa knew in advance that it was the Pandavas who were in his ashram, because he was there when the Pandavas were gambling with the Kauravas . Knowing that the Pandavas were being treated unfairly, the sages did not tell the truth. But now it was time to tell the truth, he explained to the Pandavas about the time travellers. Getting knowing about this, the Pandavas ask to which yuga Draupadi and Tunga might have gone. But Krupa didn’t have that power, he said that only Dronacharya has that power and they should meet him to get answer . but there was a problem, if Pandavas found by anyone in the exile they had to restart hiding again for 14 years, rather they don’t have any choice and went to Dronacharya and informed him about the matter. Aware of the sensitivity of the matter, Dronacharya uses his power to know where did Draupadi and Tunga were gone, and his answer was Tretayuga.

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