Short Poems Stories


    .A.D. (SLEEP AND DARKNESS) is about a lady in her mid-twenties feeling out of place, she would want to figure out why she worries about not being in line with every aspect of her life but seems stuck with no clear evidence and solution (DARKNESS). A recurring dream about a painful unforgettable past with a friend she was sure she had gotten over made her feel drained seeming he has so much power over her even during her “inactive uncontrollable moments ” (SLEEP). Will meeting someone new with pure intentions to take her pain away although she has no idea of how to let go of the pain, or if she wants to let go of the pain change her approaching end?

    Feb 22, 2024 2 min read
  • bleach . - a short poem

    I have become what i hate. Sad to say I saw this coming from miles away. A years old short poem slightly inspired by the song bleach by $uicideboy$

    Dec 26, 2024 2 min read