This story is in continuation with the story `VIRGINITY`...
"I have to tell u... I am not Virgin... Mountro..." Tasty revealed the truth to his Mountro.
And the phone call was ended suddenly...
Next three days were very tough for Mountro... and for Tasty as well...
Mountro kept on thinking day and night ... "how she could hide this from me... so long?.... And I was expecting her to be the purest form of love..."
He was not able to reach any conclusion... "Should I quit loving her?... or should I continue? Does she too love me?... or just making a fool out of me??? "
He was now unable to sleep... to eat... to think... to wake... to breathe...
It was one of the toughest times in his life... he was getting no way...
Finally, he decided to surrender his decision on a website... a website where he found his love... `Tasty`... after 16 years... and he published his story on
He asked the readers to suggest to him any possible conclusion...
Though while writing his story he could find the conclusion... yet he still waited for responses.
Readers also responded positively... and finally, he decided to contact again to tasty after three days...
Here Tasty was missing mountro badly... She kept on calling her day and nights... but none of her calls was responded... She also understood that Mountro was feeling betrayed and he has decided to quit loving her...
But there was still the last ray of hope in the heart of Tasty. And she dialled his number late-night... the last time...
This call got responded...
"hi... Sweetie... how are u???" Mountro attended her call...
"I am fine... what about you???" Tasty asked with a lot of hesitation...
"I was not feeling well... since last three days... as we didn`t talk..." Mountro said like a little child.
"OK... it's fine if u don`t want to talk to me... can I ask you if u well sometimes???" Tasty got ready to end the conversation...
"Please don`t go anywhere... I am already dying and you are talking to leave again..." Mountro insisted.
"I was thinking... u won`t talk to me after my confession???" said Tasty...
Mountro took a deep breath and told a lie... "It doesn`t matter to me much... I have already told u...Sweetie... that my love is not a physical one... it is spiritual and beyond all these..."
"Oh really... now I am feeling relaxed... I was worried since the last three days as if I lost u...forever..." Tasty said with happiness...
And thus their conversation started again... they kept on calling each other day and night... and again came close.
But one thing was making Mountro uncomfortable...
Tasty has revealed her truth but Mountro was still hiding one of his truths.
One morning he took the biggest risk in his life... while chatting ... he just wrote to tasty.
"I have something to share... Sweetie... since you told me your truth ... I have lost my respect for my unconditional love. Though my love for you has not decreased even 1% I think my belief and respect for my feelings has decreased a bit..."
These words were like arrows to the heart of tasty...
She got very disappointed saying that she has already revealed many times that her feelings were not so pure as of him... and she also gave him a chance to leave her... but she was not ready to such a late reaction... a reaction that shattered her heart.
She didn`t respond to any text or call of Mountro next several days... though Mountro kept on saying that he didn`t want to hurt her... and he still loves her from every corner of his heart... but Tasty was too upset this time to listen Mountro...
Finally, Mountro wrote a note to her Tasty...
"My dear sweetie...
I told u once... that it happens often... that the biggest virtue of a person liked by her beloved ... becomes the root cause of their departure... same happened in our case too...
You told me after our first date ... that the best thing u liked in me... is my true nature and simplicity... and look at the destiny sweetie... my this true nature is keeping u away from me... my single truth said in a joke... is departing us... I really love you... please come back in my life..."
And this time it was impossible to hide her true feelings of love for Tasty... She immediately called Mountro... and both of them hugged tightly on phone... forgetting every difference made in past...
And they `loved` happily Ever after...