
The Sight

Dara has a gift which to her is nothing but a curse. There are moments she wished she never heeded the widow's call, that she never accepted the accursed gift. As a Seer, how does she relate with normal people?

May 17, 2019  |   12 min read
The Sight
4 (3)

It was a dark night. There were no stars, no moon. It was as if the earth is one big orb of darkness. Everything was still, no breeze, and it seems everyone is holding their breaths.

"I have a bad feeling tonight. It is eerily quiet. I have a feeling that is making my body crawl." Someone muttered, breaking the heavy silence and then all of a sudden, everything's come back to normal; the breeze is blowing and the chirps of night insects could be heard, but there were still no moon or stars in the sky. 

"Even I have the same feeling but everything feels right again." Another said.

All of a sudden, a piercing scream broke out in the middle of the night, a shrill sound and then everything was quiet.

"Who is that? I know something bad will happen. I just knew it." The first person said with urgent certainty. "Whose voice is that?"

"The voice of the widow." was the reply. "She's suffered enough in her life, I wish nothing too dire has happened to her." 

"We should go to her hut." They stood up. "I still have a bad feeling, it's as if something is breathing down my neck, trying to tell me something but I am too scared to listen to the voice."

The other sighed, "You've always been a strange one. Come on, let's go find out what caused that painful noise."

Chapter One

"You look pale, are you okay? Your skin has lost its pallor and if I don't know better I would say you are pregnant." 

Being pregnant is the least of Dara's problems because that is so not possible under the circumstance she's found herself. No, she is not pregnant but she cannot tell her friend what is bothering her. "Pregnant? Come off it, I am just not feeling well. I think I should go take a nap." She excused herself and stole away from the gathering. 

Getting to her room, Dara locked the door and slid down until she was sitting on the carpeted floor. "What am I going to do? How can I tell Dammy that she will die on Friday? People already refer to me as a freak and even though I am one I have no intention of letting anyone find out about it. Why do I even know these things? Why can't I live a normal life?" She had been sitting down with Dammy at the food joint when a thought suddenly came to her mind; a thought that said loud and clear that her friend Dammy will die on Friday. Today is Tuesday which means she only have two days before Friday to warn Dammy. The problem is how to inform Dammy that she is in grave danger without arousing her suspicions? She is a Seer but few people understand what that means and if others were to find out about it, she would be labelled a witch. 

She has been hiding her gift which she sees as a curse for seven years now, and during that period at least seven people had died because she didn't tell them her vision and till now she feels responsible for their deaths because she didn't try to help them. However, she knows trying to change predestination comes with a price, one that she is not ready to pay. From one of the magical books she's laid her hands on, she knew that magic comes with a price, usually one that is too heavy to pay and she already related her own issue with magic. If she were to do something to prevent Dammy's death, that will be changing the course of destiny and there will be repercussions. There is a link between the world of the living, the dead and the unborn and changing its course means trouble in the realm of men, but she can't sit still and let Dammy die. There must be something she can do.

"I only hope this doesn't end in a disaster. I am only trying to help."

Chapter Two

Dara had second thoughts. The moment you've watched a movie like "Final Destination," you know there is a huge price to pay for cheating death. You can't cheat death. The guys in the movies end up getting killed in the most horrible manners one wouldn't wish on an enemy. What if this bounces back on her and she ends up dying in Dammy's place? 

"A penny for your thoughts Dara," Dammy snapped her fingers across her face. "Welcome back from your journey. I can tell you are in a far away land. Could it be Kavuki land?" She teased.

Dara managed a small smile. "Of course Dammy, and don't worry I will extend your greetings to them." They are seating together in class while they wait for the lecturer to come to class. One would think if you have a lecture by ten in the morning you can come to class by half past nine and await the lecturer, but such is not the case here. For you to get a seat to sit on you must have been in school by eight. The two friends left home before seven in the morning and were lucky enough to secure seats in the tenth roll. There were others who arrived before them.

Dammy laughed. "I am sure they will appreciate it. I should have said this yesterday but it slipped my mind. I wanted to tell you that I am going home to my parents on Friday and won't be back till Sunday evening."

Dammy kept speaking but Dara could hear nothing as her heart started pounding so hard she thought it would burst out of her chest and everyone would see it. She felt as if she's a million miles away and the death scenario of Dammy kept playing in front of her.

"Are you listening to me at all?" She felt a small shove in her ribs.

She pasted a fake smile on her face. "Of course Dammy, I was just thinking it would be nice if I go home too. I have missed everyone." Truth be told, she really isn't looking forward to going anywhere. What if she gets another vision? No, she is not ready for more deaths.

"That's good. No matter how comfortable you feel when you are away from home there is this magnetic pull that beckons you home to your family." Dammy observed with a dreamy look.

"I was wondering if we could leave together, on Saturday." She would keep her here till Saturday so she could avoid her death by slipping on the road and having a truck crush her to death. She shivered. "Saturday would be perfect." She said with a sunny smile.

Dammy frowned, biting her lower lip in contemplation. "I already called my mum to expect me on Friday. I can't wait till Saturday to go there and then have to hurry back here on Sunday. I'm sorry Dara, but I have to go on Friday."

Dara grabbed her hand. "No you can't," she yelled. Seeing the confused look on Dammy's face and noticing that her course mates were staring at them, she released her and took a deep breath. "I meant to say that Saturday would be better. We would leave very early in the morning."

Before she could get a reply, the lecturer breezed in to bring an end to the conversation.

Chapter Three

Back at the hostel, Dara still tried her best to dissuade Dammy from leaving on Friday. Since she couldn't tell her the real reason why it would be disastrous for her to embark on any form of journey on that day without appearing like one who desperately needed a trip to an asylum, she simply tried to act normal, and give what she hopes will be reasonable excuses.

"We have a lecture on Friday, and we will be so tired if we have to just pick up our bags and leave that day. We can rise very early on Saturday and leave, in fact, I will pay your transport fare if you will leave with me on Saturday." Please take the bait Dammy, she chanted mentally like a mantra.

Dammy sighed. She must admit that Dara has been behaving strangely all day. She's always appeared to be a bit strange, but she's not just her roommate but her best friend and she knows better than to listen to hearsays about her. "You do not have to pay my transport fare. We will go together, but we have to leave early."

Dara was so relieved but she resisted to throw her arms around her friend's neck and hold on for dear life, as that would certainly appear odd (even for someone like her). "Of course dear, no problem about that."

With things turning out this way, Dara was able to put Dammy's death out of her mind albeit not completely, but at least she isn't devising plans to keep her here at all cost, but all hell broke loose on Friday evening.

Dara had stepped out of the hostel to get dinner from the nearest cafeteria (her desperate attempt at enticing Dammy in case she gets it in her mind to leave). She had to wait for a while as she had to queue when she got there. When she finally got home thirty five minutes later, Dammy was no where to be found. Initially, she thought she was in the room next to theirs and she dropped the package she had with her on the table.

She gently knocked on the room next door. When she was granted entry, she poked her head inside and made her enquiry. "Mide, have you seen Dammy anywhere? She was right in the room when I left home earlier, but I can't find her now." She tried her best to disguise the panic in her voice.

"She was here earlier," came the reply, "but she received a call and excused herself. I haven't seen her since then and I actually thought she's gone back inside. I'm sure she didn't go far." Mide said with a shrug.

"Thank you," Dara went back to her room but was too restless to sit or stand still, instead she paced up and down the room, her legs digging holes in the worn carpet. "Where could she be?" She asked herself for what seemed to be the hundredth time. She refused to believe that Dammy would leave without telling her and the way her things were strewn around the room confirmed the fact that she is still around. 

"She will meet me right here when she comes back." She resolved.

Chapter Four

Dara heard footsteps but wasn't bothered about it. This is a hostel and one of the things associated with hostels is the noise, add stealing and gossiping to that and you are good to go. 

A breathless Dammy came into the room, not noticing the agitation of her roommate. "You won't believe this Dara," she started. "I wanted to borrow Lola's laptop so I went to her hostel but she told me she can't give me as she is going home this evening and will take it with her. I was disappointed at first, but then I heard someone calling to her to make haste as the car will leave soon. I asked her if someone has come to pick her up from home but she told me one of the guys in her hostel who has a car is giving her a ride." She appeared pleased with herself at this point. "Of course I asked if there is room for two more people and the guy accepted. I was able to plead with him to give us fifteen minutes to come over there." She moved to grab her satchel which she dropped on the bed before pulling off her blouse and putting on a new one. "Come on Dara, we can't afford to keep them waiting." She threw back over her shoulders.

Dara was too stunned to say a word. Why is it that everyone suddenly decided to go home this weekend? Why does it have to be today? How will she stop Dammy from leaving when she thinks this is a great opportunity for them (catching a free ride)?

She sat down on the bed and watched as Dammy got ready to leave.

Seeing her friend sitting on the bed with no intention of leaving with her, Dammy narrowed her eyes at Dara. "Hey, what is wrong with you Dara? We are catching a free ride and you are here sitting down. Come on, these guys won't wait for us forever. The guy is doing us a favour remember that."

It's now or never. "I was supposed to have said this to you before but I have been, hmm, well, I just…" She broke off. "The thing is that you can't go anywhere today." There, she's said it.

Dammy's clear laughter rang out. "Come on D, what do you mean by that? I can't go anywhere?" She waved away the words with  dismissive fingers. "I'm leaving. You can stay or come with me."

As she made for the door, Dara grabbed her arm. "I am not kidding Dammy, you can't leave today. Please leave tomorrow or stay home this weekend. Please Dammy, you don't want to do this."

The desperation in her voice must have gotten to Dammy because she dropped her bag on the floor and stared her friends in the eyes. "Why can't I go? What will happen?" She asked in a whisper.

For a moment Dara thought of lying, but knew that for Dammy to take her seriously, she needs to tell the truth even though it sounds crazy. "If you go home today, you will die right in front of your house."

Chapter Five

For a moment there was absolute silence as each stared into the eyes of the other. A cough from the adjoining room broke the moment. Dara knew she has to clarify some things. "I will never joke about something like this. I know it sounds crazy but I have been out of my mind since Tuesday when I had the vision and I was scared out of my senses when you announced to me you want to go home for the weekend. I don't have time to explain everything to you, but all you need to know is that I see things no one else does and it is usually very scary. For your sake and your parents', please stay right here." 

For the past three years since they moved in together at an off campus hostel, Dammy has never seen Dara so tensed, she looks as if her bones will snap if she makes any sudden movement. "I will die?"

Dara quickly shook her head, "no you won't. We can stop this if you stay right here." She clasped her dainty hands in hers. "Please believe me Dammy, I am not lying about this."

Dammy was horrified with what she just heard, but she always had the feeling that there is something weird about Dara, but not in a million years would she have imagined she is psychic. "You see things others can't? You are a psychic?"

"Forget about me being psychic or not, what matters is your safety. Please believe me, it is really dangerous for you to go home." She pleaded with her eyes.

She nodded. "I believe you, but now I have to go tell Lola and her friend to go on without us." She turned to go out from the room but turned and embraced Dara tightly. "Thank you for telling me D."

Dara heaved a sigh of relief. Wow, she's done it, Dammy is saved. Finally, she has changed the destiny.

That night, the two of them with the other students in the compound were talking outside their rooms. There were jokes and gossips but the only thing Dara cared about was saving her friend's life. If only she didn't keep quiet about the others, they might have been saved as well. It does feel great to know you've cheated death and written a new page in someone's destiny. 

"Dammy, I have this new game you will die to have," Joan teased.

Dammy rushed to her side. "Really? Is it a cooking game? Wow, it's "cooking fever", I love "cooking tycoon" but I'm sure I won't be disappointed with this."

"Of course," came the assurance from Joan.

After getting Joan to transfer the application to her phone, Dammy made to resume her seat beside Dara when she slipped. Moments before she breathed her last, she grabbed hold of Dara's hand and looked into her horrified eyes. "You were right Dara, it happened after all. We were foolish to think we can cheat death. I am sorry it has to be this way."

Dara held onto her friend's hand even after she became lifeless, her ashen face staring right back at the lifeless eyes. It was only when the boys living two rooms from theirs came forward to pick Dammy up that she screamed.


If I had known things would turn out this way, I would never have accepted this gift from her. I hold myself responsible for Dammy's death and I will always blame myself for every death I'd foreseen. Now it's my turn, I had a vision last night. Death is coming for me and I can't escape it even if I want to. 

How did I come about this curse? It started seven years ago when I entered the widow's hut.


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Yetunde Lois Ogunshola

Feb 10, 2025

This is the beginning of a series. Reader's opinion about this will determine how it will go.


Aboso James

Feb 10, 2025

Great piece. Can't wait for more episodes


Yetunde Lois Ogunshola

Feb 10, 2025

Thanks for that James, really appreciate it


Ahmed Nirjhar Alam

Feb 10, 2025

I really love the natural flow to your writing. If I could change one thing though, it would be how the ending is described. Maybe add more details about how the ending happens?

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