
The quite kid

The kid at the back of the class staying silent as a mouse no one knowing his secrets behind the black void hood over his shaggy hair

Feb 21, 2024  |   2 min read


The quite kid
Chapter one: The kid in the back.

The day was gloomy and deppresing as always during the new year of school, the kids groaned at the sight of the school door's as teachers welcoming students secretly feeling the same let alone they get paid unlike the kids the seats were cold and untouched the sqeaking noise of the rusty legs moving along the marble floor makeing everyone's ears ache.

Here came the kid the one everyone knows but never knew the seat where he sat was the place he would be the most staying there all day ignoring the concerned students as his hood stayed over him a safe place from all the others he thought not knowing that the life he was in isnt the one he wants the music faintly playing through his earbuds as he slowly hums along closing his eyes with tierdness and unpublic figure people saw him as, more pple ignored him and glued there eyes to the teacher trying to quickly get through the day of hell.

One kid had no interest of the teacher nore the work sat on there desk waiting patiently to be used and handend in the paper not creased no pencil marks nothing just the silence and death curling glare from the quite kid as they both stared at eachother trying to guess who on whats mind and a small smiled appered on the boys face him quickly hiding his face knowing the hood wouldnt be enough to hide the bright red blush fading into his cheeks as he smiles slowley feeling warm with this new "crush".

-Thank you guys for reading chapter one if you would like to see more please give it a like! =) -

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