

Following the first chapter the story continues and now it shows some interesting incidents

May 24, 2024  |   8 min read


Sankalp Gautam
More from Sankalp Gautam
When the guard of the king came running in the palace to told the king that the kingdom been attacked from both side by two different armies where in both side everyone got some kind of supernatural powers. Sanghar ordered everyone in the kingdom to immediately evacuate the town. The guard then started ringing the warning bell. Everyone in the town started to run like maniac . Shiva then asked the king what happened who are these people who are coming towards us what does war means. Humans never faced the war before in the history because of only kingdom in the entire world . The king replied they are not humans who are coming towards us . Shiva and everyone in the palace got shocked that if they are not humans they who are they and how does king know about this. Lets head to the story now,

Before 600 years, when the humanity just started evolving and started to gain sense they thought that there must be someone among them who is powerful and have sense to gather everyone in one plate and treat them equally and and take wise decisions for the whole humanity. There is one human who is capable of doing everything that the humanity is demanding for and his name was Arya. Arya became the first ruler of the world. Arya was so smart in doing everything in his own way that everybody used to get stunned real bad . He was very skilled in arrow shooting, one day there was an arrow shooting competetion happened in between them. many great shooters took part in the competetion who got some great skills in shooting arrows. some shoots with fire, some shoots with soundwave, and some used to shoots with water and stones and snakes more. Arya also joined the competetion to showcase his talent he fought his first match with fire shooter named jay . The ring belled and match just started the Arya walked in centre and got stand there watching just in the jay eyes and said Jay I am Arya and and I will be the first man to rule over all of you. Everyhuman there got angry and one said you will be killed in a shot and when you will be killed we will feel great breath of happiness when your body got dust hope we had seen you bloodbathed but its ok and one said brother Jay blast his head. Arya got angry and take his bow and shoots throw the sky everybody thought why did he threw his arrow in the open sky. one said missed the direction or what and one said might had hit ground else. Suddenly a big shadow starts appearing in the ground when they seen up 5 meteors from different sides coming towards earth when they seen this thing everyone got scared to death that for 10 seconds straight nobody even blinked their eyes and just after that they started running like a maniac and here then Arya shoots an arrow and shoots 5 arrows in each meteors . The arrows are so powerful that it took every meteors back to space very far in universe. and Arya told everyone that he was just warming up. When Jay seen that whatever Arya told about warming up he thought Arya humiliated everyone there and with a load of angriness Jay also shoots an arrow in the sky but this time lava started raining and before it touch the ground an arrow hit the lava and frozen it so bad that before it even touched the ground it vapoured in the sky. Everyone there thought who could have shooted it and just after seconds a guy again shoot an arrow and made a frozen road and came in the competetion main ground. He went in the middle and Arya hugged him. This guy name was Sourya and he was the best friend of Arya . They both were childhood friend and Sourya always used to support Arya in every aspect. Arya had a dream to counquer the humanity and rule over them. Sourya knew that Arya only wants to showcase his immense power so that he made everyone there afraid of him and so that nobody par with Arya and he gets no competetion . but there were many warriors who were stronger but didnt happened to join the competetion. After competetion when he shattered everyone of his opponents . Finally Arya became the first ruler of the world (King Arya). Sourya became his commender in general and many warriors joined Arya and Arya founded a kingdom named (The First).

Everything was going great in the kingdom until king Arya got killed. (who could have killed him?) was it jay, or the guy from the audience who complimented King Arya during the competetion , was it someone from outside or was it someone from inside. Many questions were going in the kingdom . everyone in the kingdom felt sad and extremely scared both at same time. Some of them thought it is the time to attack in the kingdom and take the throne.

When King Arya became the first ruler of the world most of them in the town thought they will live under Arya and always get slave like life. but King Arya had also kind heart from which he always puts everyone in the same plate and treat them equally. when people noticed that kindness of King Arya they felt happy and blessed to have such a gentle, extremely powerful , intelligent and smart king. So what the humans have thought about the King Arya that he could be so cruel so bad in nature but it happened just opposite the King Arya was kind. One day King Arya and Sourya were talking about something to provide everyone foods, shelter and clothes for lifetime . Sourya suggested why don't we made some type of rule from that they will give us something really valuable to them and get lifetime service of food , shelter and clothes. King Arya ordered not to take a single thing in return from the humans . They are our people and I am there king its my duty to provide them the best life they ever imagined for and after a pause, Arya replied I have always lived a poor life, my father used to hunt snake and rats and we used to eat it , My mother used to sleep with people and then she earn the bread and water to drink to live. My brother was killed by someone in the town because he tried to touch flower in the garden. We didn't allowed to touch such things people used to tell that even if we walk through someones door there house starts smelling bad and they got some disease , They used to call us waste product of humans. You know it Sourya how was my life. Sourya then replied yes lord I m your friend first then your commander i have seen you from our childhood how you survived your life. They had done wrong to your mother and father. One day Arya's family were eating their food in farm in their poor hut. Some drunk humans gone there who were bad in nature , they gone there and in between eating they entered in their hut and cut his fathers head and his penis in front of whole family , when arya's mother seen him killing her husband she attacked that humans with full of angerness of revenge. There were six drunk guys entered in their hut when she attacked them they caught his mother and started raping her after cutting her neck and all this happened in front of Arya two guys hold him and in front of Arya and his brother the all six raped his dead mother. When Arya seen it happened he was crying with madness , he was feeling so angry that time that the veins of his hand got burst and it was hot like lava the blood flowed like lava and melted all six there . When his brother seen it being happened . He thought that his brother got some kind of supernatural power that is sooooo dangerous. Then after that moment Arya and his brother went outside to burn their mother and father body to give them a last goodbye. They both took their body. One carried mother in his back and another one carried his father in his back. They went there where one can find the reality of human life by understanding that after death nothing goes with you accept your good deeds and karmas (cremation centre shmasanghat). When they went in the gate of shmasanghat , they had seen a sadhu who gives the dead people last fire. Arya gone their and asked how they can burn their father and mother, Sadhu asked for 5 kg of grains and 5 kg of pulse and after that he will give the last fire to their parents. Arya and his brother doesn't have that much amount grains or pulse or even a bread to give it to sadhu but arya still told that we have 2 breads but it soaked in blood because when we were eating some goons entered in our hut and everything that happened is rest . When sadhu listened to there story he got very emotional and seen that when Arya was telling sadhu about how there parents got killed he had no expression at all. That one sadhu cremated their parents and gave the permission to provide last fire to their parents. When everything happened the sadhu then told Arya, "come with me lets go somewhere" . Arya and his brother gone with the sadhu, and after 3 days of travelling they went to one very big island. Sadhu took arya and his brother in the mysterious island named (pegasus). The island was so different from the entire island in the world because its first quarter was full of lava, second one was full of trees and a vast jungle and third one was ocean and fourth one has a black desert. And when they reached the mysterious island . Sadhu chanted a mantra and suddenly with the speed of creativity. Like how fast can you think , the pushpak (a flying object) could travel with the speed of creativity. The pushpak suddenly arrived and sadhu, Arya and his brother entered in the pushpak and arrived on black desert . When they got out of the pushpak. Suddenly Arya felt the strong change in the atmosphere , Arya and his brother felt that some type of energy is pulling them towards the ground of black desert. sadhu removed his stick out and waved in the air and the atmosphere became normal. Arya asked what is this island , and what was that energy that i just felt , why is this island so different from the other islands or lands or anything from world. sadhu replied Arya that was magnet effect, the gravity of this island is 20 thats why we felt the heavyness in our back. Arya and his brother have many questions to ask , why is this sadhu so different from other humans, what is this magnet effect , what is this gravity, what is this island . He didn't asked more questions to sadhu , he was thinking that whatever this is happening to him and his brother is all a dream so he thought whatever happening just let it be . Then sadhu, Arya and his brother started walking in the desert . After walking for two hours straight, Arya suddenly seen a cave in far sight and he told sadhu that there is something in the straight that seems like a cave. Sadhu replied I know, then they went near the cave and sadhu started chanting mantra and then they entered in the cave . Inside the cave the atmosphere was totally different from outside world. it had its own island which consist of its own cloud , a vast jungle, a big and beautiful waterfall, mysterious birds and between all of them there was one very old and a big tree in the center of the island . The sadhu took both of them near the big tree , the tree was so big that it was touching the sky of universe but can only be seen from inside the cave not from outside. When they got near the tree , sadhu sat on ground and bow his head in that way that it touched the branch of tree and started chanti when he chanted it for three times , Suddenly a white door appeared (the gods land).

to be continued.....

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