The animals built a kraal one day and concealed their most valuable item - a big pot of fat - within.
They departed after telling Dassie, the rock bunny, to keep watch.
When the time comes, who else but the inkalimeva should emerge?
The inkalimeva walked in and devoured all the fat since the dassie, a lethargic little creature, had already fallen asleep.
He roused the dassie up by tossing a pebble at him as he was leaving. "The inkalimeva has eaten the fat belonging to all the animals," the dassie cried out in a fit of tears.
The dassie was killed by the rushing animals who were furious at losing their fat.
They put the skunk, or muishond, on duty to guard the gate once they had gained additional fat.
This time, the inkalimeva brought a jug of honey, which the muishond adores! The inkalimeva snuck in and ate all the fat while the stupid guard was licking and gobbling the honey. The muishond then looked up as a result of his throwing a stone at it. The muishond let out a horrified cry. The inkalimeva had consumed the fat from all the animals!
Once more, the animals were furious over losing their valuable fat, and the poor muishond was quickly mauled to death.
The porcupine, blue buck, and duiker were among the new guards that the animals appointed in vain. The inkalimeva, in turn, outwitted each one of them.
They finally decided to appoint the hare as a guard. The rabbit let out a terrified cry, "Oh no, the dassie, muishond, blue buck, duiker, and porcupine are all dead." Do you believe that I'm over life?
He gave in when they persisted in bribing him and making promises that they wouldn't kill him.
Once the animals had left, he lay down, but he was just lying down. The inkalimeva soon made his way up and entered the kraal, where he proceeded to lick the fat.
"Hello!" exclaimed the rabbit, "Leave the fat alone."
After realizing that he ought to be friends with this alert man, the inkalimeva soon found himself conversing and engaging in games.
The hare boasted, "You could tie my tail to anything and I could always escape."
The inkalimeva said, "You could do that with mine too; I have a fine tail."
"Let's see," the rabbit said. The hare quickly fastened the inkalimeva after he nodded in agreement.
The hare murdered the inkalimeva with his club after realizing he was unable to flee.
Then he took the delicious-tasting inkalimeva's tail and devoured it completely, save for a small amount that he was unable to finish.
In the kraal fence, he concealed this.
Then he yelled, "The inkalimeva has eaten the fat belonging to the animals."
The frightened animals ran, but when they saw the fat one safe and the inkalimeva lying dead, they were very relieved.
The tail belonged to the chief, so they begged the hare for it.
In response, the hare said, "The one I killed had no tail."
They said in shock, "How can there be an inkalimeva without a tail?"
After a while of searching, they eventually located the tail fragment in the fence.
The chief was furious to learn that the hare had consumed his royal portion. "Bring him to me," he gave the order. "For me to punish him!"
However, the hare had already left by this point!