In the Philippines, there is this inter relationship between foreigners and the locals because Philippines is a country of tourist attraction filled with foreigners from different countries of the world. So after pathing ways with my Filipino boyfriend I decided to give a relationship with a foreigner a try after two years of being single. I met my now ex boyfriend on Facebook Dating App.
On the 16th of October 2022, I joined Facebook dating app to find love as suggested by a co-worker who has been using it for a while. When I joined, I got a "Hi" message request from this handsome responsible looking guy who's profile identified as 32 years of age. I responded to him and we both started chatting as to know each other more better for a good relationship.
I was working in the capital city of the country (Manila) where I rented an own apartment while he (My Ex) was leaving in a different province which was about 3 hours plus by bus away from me. Everything was lovely and going well as we get to know each other, We always talk with each other on chat and on video calls which I believe I initiate mostly because of how desperate I was to have a boyfriend again after two years having no one in my life.
He was always letting me know how much he loved me, how serious he was with me and want to have me in his life forever. He later created a Facebook Messenger Group Call where he added me with his elder brother, elder brothers girlfriend, both who then lived in his country and we'll always have a group conference call like families until he later invited me to his place in Pampanga. When I shared about his invitation to my close friend and co-worker, she advised and discouraged me not to go there as it's too risky for me as a woman meeting a guy I met on social media for the first time in his place as he should be the one to make the first move and effort concerning our first meeting. But I was desperate and trust him because he was so sweet and also with his family members involvement and how they welcome me despite being in their far away country Africa.
It was on a Friday evening after my work that I took the next available bus from Manila to Pampanga where he lives because I have already planned and discussed with him about my coming to meet him from work by the weekend. With me are some of my clothes as I already planned to spend the weekend there and to return back Sunday evening or Monday morning for my work. I got at the bus terminal in Pampanga very late as it was almost 11:00PM. He sent me his home address and I took a taxi to his home. On arriving there, I was expecting he was a tall guy as he looks taller on phone all the while we have been talking, but NO, he wasn't (Hehe) That wasn't important anyway, he welcomed me with a hug and we went inside.
He was living alone in his one bedroom apartment with everything one needs to live comfortable. Before I came, we had agreed that I will sleep in a different room and there will be no sexual intercourse between us as it'll be my first time visiting and should be treated like a visitor. so, on getting to his apartment, he was alone drinking some alcohol as well as playing soccer(PS5) with his friend online. He offered me to drink with him but I told him I was very tired and needed to take a shower and get some sleep. He showed me the bathroom, I had my shower and went to the bed after asking him that I thought he has two rooms in his apartment but he told me not to worry and should get my sleep in his bedroom while he'll sleep on the sofa.
I was sleeping when he joined me on the bed and started touching me. I told him to stop as I wasn't ready for that on our first meeting but he kept on until something happened between us that night. He later apologized in the morning that he was drunk and that was why he did that and promised me again that he seriously love me and want our relationship forever.
Throughout the night of my arrival to his apartment, someone with a name saved in his local language keeps calling his phone which he refused to answer but told me it was his cousin sister who also lives here in the Philippines and does business and that she is only calling him to talk about her business which he is not interested to listen to then. I told him severally to answer the call but he refused with different reasons which I wasn't really bothered about either.
Until that morning after he apologized and told me he'll be visiting his cousin sisters business place to get some of there local cooked food from her store and he will return later in the evening which he didn't. He stayed there from Saturday morning till Sunday evening until I messaged him that I'll be leaving early Monday morning for work which made him returned back that Sunday evening. Then he returned and apologized and explained to me how busy he was meeting with his business partners there. I accepted his apology and told him it was ok as I really understand him and wasn't thinking of anything differently. he then asked me for a favor for his business which I wholeheartedly accepted to help him with because I was already in love with him and noticed how serious he showed and was with me, so nothing is gonna stop me from helping out my boyfriend who I see is very interested in me. So we slept again that night and had things happened again and again until early Monday morning when I left for my work.
When I returned to Manila, after few days, I started having severe pain in my private part and difficulty with urinating which I struggled so hard to take myself to the hospital.. The first question the doctor asked me was if I had a boyfriend and I said yes. Then he told me that I had contacted an STD?
On the 16th of October 2022, I joined Facebook dating app to find love as suggested by a co-worker who has been using it for a while. When I joined, I got a "Hi" message request from this handsome responsible looking guy who's profile identified as 32 years of age. I responded to him and we both started chatting as to know each other more better for a good relationship.
I was working in the capital city of the country (Manila) where I rented an own apartment while he (My Ex) was leaving in a different province which was about 3 hours plus by bus away from me. Everything was lovely and going well as we get to know each other, We always talk with each other on chat and on video calls which I believe I initiate mostly because of how desperate I was to have a boyfriend again after two years having no one in my life.
He was always letting me know how much he loved me, how serious he was with me and want to have me in his life forever. He later created a Facebook Messenger Group Call where he added me with his elder brother, elder brothers girlfriend, both who then lived in his country and we'll always have a group conference call like families until he later invited me to his place in Pampanga. When I shared about his invitation to my close friend and co-worker, she advised and discouraged me not to go there as it's too risky for me as a woman meeting a guy I met on social media for the first time in his place as he should be the one to make the first move and effort concerning our first meeting. But I was desperate and trust him because he was so sweet and also with his family members involvement and how they welcome me despite being in their far away country Africa.
It was on a Friday evening after my work that I took the next available bus from Manila to Pampanga where he lives because I have already planned and discussed with him about my coming to meet him from work by the weekend. With me are some of my clothes as I already planned to spend the weekend there and to return back Sunday evening or Monday morning for my work. I got at the bus terminal in Pampanga very late as it was almost 11:00PM. He sent me his home address and I took a taxi to his home. On arriving there, I was expecting he was a tall guy as he looks taller on phone all the while we have been talking, but NO, he wasn't (Hehe) That wasn't important anyway, he welcomed me with a hug and we went inside.
He was living alone in his one bedroom apartment with everything one needs to live comfortable. Before I came, we had agreed that I will sleep in a different room and there will be no sexual intercourse between us as it'll be my first time visiting and should be treated like a visitor. so, on getting to his apartment, he was alone drinking some alcohol as well as playing soccer(PS5) with his friend online. He offered me to drink with him but I told him I was very tired and needed to take a shower and get some sleep. He showed me the bathroom, I had my shower and went to the bed after asking him that I thought he has two rooms in his apartment but he told me not to worry and should get my sleep in his bedroom while he'll sleep on the sofa.
I was sleeping when he joined me on the bed and started touching me. I told him to stop as I wasn't ready for that on our first meeting but he kept on until something happened between us that night. He later apologized in the morning that he was drunk and that was why he did that and promised me again that he seriously love me and want our relationship forever.
Throughout the night of my arrival to his apartment, someone with a name saved in his local language keeps calling his phone which he refused to answer but told me it was his cousin sister who also lives here in the Philippines and does business and that she is only calling him to talk about her business which he is not interested to listen to then. I told him severally to answer the call but he refused with different reasons which I wasn't really bothered about either.
Until that morning after he apologized and told me he'll be visiting his cousin sisters business place to get some of there local cooked food from her store and he will return later in the evening which he didn't. He stayed there from Saturday morning till Sunday evening until I messaged him that I'll be leaving early Monday morning for work which made him returned back that Sunday evening. Then he returned and apologized and explained to me how busy he was meeting with his business partners there. I accepted his apology and told him it was ok as I really understand him and wasn't thinking of anything differently. he then asked me for a favor for his business which I wholeheartedly accepted to help him with because I was already in love with him and noticed how serious he showed and was with me, so nothing is gonna stop me from helping out my boyfriend who I see is very interested in me. So we slept again that night and had things happened again and again until early Monday morning when I left for my work.
When I returned to Manila, after few days, I started having severe pain in my private part and difficulty with urinating which I struggled so hard to take myself to the hospital.. The first question the doctor asked me was if I had a boyfriend and I said yes. Then he told me that I had contacted an STD?