Non Fiction

Meth, heartbreak and a pump action shotgun.

A bloke id crossed paths with, kills four over a broken heart..

Feb 16, 2024  |   4 min read


Meth, heartbreak and a pump action shotgun.
4 (1)
So I'm in my early 20's and I'm doing pretty well for my standards, I'm living in bassandean a fairly saught after suburb close to the be fair the house was a shithole and you could see through the floor boards but it was cheap and the old wog that owned the place didn't give two fucks that we where growing weed out the back. I've got my supercharged commodore, I'm running my own security fencing subcontracting gig for Australia's second biggest industrial fencing company and I've been with my daughters mum for about a year everything was ALMOST calm

So fucking obviously we gotta shake shit up.

The owner of southern wire fencing gives me a bell one-day and says they have just taken on two big contracts and asked if I was keen and after being stuck in the city to do the perth soccer stadium ovals fence and the gateway airport upgrade I was keen as a crackwhore on dollday. "Where are the dogs and what's the specs" I reckoned to the bloke and he goes " one in yah hometown kalgoorlie doing the upgrade at the prison and the other in Darwin northern territory" well fuck me the kalgoorlie one was out of the question because legally I can't work at a jail I've been sentenced too coupled with my record and known club affiliations some of which are in kal there was no way snr sergeant blokefelcher would have me on site. Looks like Darwins it

6 month contract on the icthys gas project but it was union ran so even fifio workers like myself on 3/1's could only do half day Saturdays and no work Sundays and I wasn't about to waste that time in a donga at camp. SO I went home and told the woman to pack her shit because she lives in darwin now.

I was an industrial fencer not a gay little residential colorbond bloke...If I couldn't get an excavator in there I'm not fencing the cunt.I did mine sites, military bases, airports and a fair bit of rural... later on me and another contractor gained a bit of fame for taking down the monster removal and installation of 150kms of dingo netting at Rawlinna station on the nullabor one of the biggest sheep stations in Australian and kiwis hold onto your muna home of THE biggest shearing shed in aus..

4-5 week stints shooting wild dingos from the trusty swag ya share with brown snakes to drill limestone, concrete strainers and push 450kg rolls of ringlock uphill in 45 degree weather with 40kmh fucking winds..Mark my words when I say we drank some piss..but.

In 2021, After the fence installation Rawlinna shore 30,117 sheep for an 860-bale clip with lamb marking almost double of 2020 at 75.9 per cent or 11,778 lambs.

My second day in Darwin would set the cruise control on my future when at the fucking INDUCTION for the gas plant..The lecturer being a funny cunt singled out me and another heavily tattooed bloke sitting behind me as an example for something, we looked at each other had a laugh and he would end up drop me off home later that arvo in a blown black 've ss ute with a walkingshaw..That random bloke at that time was a prospect for the Darwin hells angels but he would end up being maybe me first best mate, godfather to my daughter co-accused, srg at arms for the Darwin angels and eventually dead...

One day 4/6/2019 my phone exploded! There was a mass shooting in progress in town with 3 people already dead all in different locations and of course.....I knew the poor bastard 45-year-old, Benjamin Glenn Hoffmann and his good mate pump action shotgun.

See the story goes bennos Mrs had done the dirty on him with some stuuuuupid cunt named Alex

"Witnesses say the gunman entered the Palms Motel on McMinn Street, Darwin and used a pump-action shotgun to shoot through a guestroom door.[7] According to sources, around 20 shots were fired by the suspect. Witnesses also noted that while in the motel the gunman went from "room-to-room" while screaming out "Alex".

So around 5:30 ben had just been fired from his job and then treated himself to enough meth to make benny cousins wanna quit dancing like a poofter n grab the crystal pistol again, Ben and his shotty let loose starting in Finnis Street just outside the CBD before moving to The Buff Club, Stuart Park, the Palms Motel, a Coles Express and Jolly Street in Woolner the whole time his 12g barking and filling residents with holes.

When he had his fun at the motel he jumped in...a fucking Toyota of course to take in the scenery for one last hour before being calling the police, giving his location and he stayed chatting until the territory response group was able to hold him in sweet embrace.

"Police had called for members of Darwin's underworld to come forward with any information that might help the police investigation.

"I'd suggest any people in the community - whether they be associated with outlaw motorcycle gangs or other criminal behaviour but have information to provide"

Alex the bloke he was hunting....had already fled the state before the shooting.

Shockingly enough and I quote

" A lack of specialist expertise in the Territory has meant several of the victim's bodies were left in situ overnight because of a lack of local expertise in processing the crime scenes"

For a generation raised playing grand theft auto here's some game stats.

-Time on the run: 1-2 hours.

-weapon: 12g pump action shotgun.

-about 100 police were involved including officers from the Territory Response Group.

-knocked off 7 vehicles.

-Four men were killed and one woman injured.

-Eight crime scenes spanning an area about 4km.

-fired his entire legal team from legal aid to high profile barristers

"a brutal killing, in which you shot the victim four times, twice to the right arm, once to the chest, and finally to the left side of his head".

"Mr Courtney truly fought hard against you," he said.

"Another victim mr Courtney sustained a minimum of 69 injuries, including gunshot wounds, stab wounds, incised wounds and blunt force injuries."

On 13 October 2022, Hoffmann was given three life sentences without the possibility of parole for three of the murders, and a 15-year term of imprisonment for the manslaughter of a fourth victim.

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