
Little Deer

If I were to start over seeing a new way in this world and take back every mistake I made and every action that results in the end of hurting someone else, I would. It all started with meeting him. Who is he, well just someone who completely changed my life forever. Emotionally, physically, mentally and verbally. All for the better.

Feb 21, 2024  |   8 min read


Little Deer
5 (1)
Chapter 1


I snapped out of my deep thoughts brought back to my surroundings of the bustling bus of the lunch rush downtown. I looked up at Nathan, my best childhood friend who never separated from me since day one in elementary school. 

“Keep spacing out you're going to miss my ceremony”, he reiterated looking at me like I completely forgot why we left my place even though I’m not really doing anything for him besides being here.

Where, you ask. Well in the middle of this rush hour we were heading to the grand college Nathan got admitted to just a few weeks ago. I asked him to just drive there but only got told to “see the sights”, or whatever that meant. I only leave my house for 2 things, school and running errands for my abusive poor parents. Honestly I never understood why he chose me. Nathan I mean, why become friends with me if we came from different worlds. I don;t mean he’s a rich kid just he has his life in order, and is good at everything. As a young guy like him I was just nothing to everyone else being beside him. He’s not a model or any officer, but a gym instructor and gets so much money from that. His parents adore him and I just- 


“Y-yeah”, I looked up quickly at his tall stature and saw a gloomy expression on his face. 

“When are you going to stop over thinking?”, he asked.

I tried to play dumb. “What do you mean Nate?”

I said back quickly, maybe a little too quickly. 

“Fawn”, he said again but more dominating, only making me confess everything.

“Okay, okay I’m sorry I just-”.

“Nope you're here to relax and celebrate with me, nothing else”, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

“R-right, but if my parents-”

“Fawn”. I stopped talking, I knew bringing up my parents as an excuse to leave going back home would only make him mad.

 But it’s just as it is, they're only relying on the money I make off working sometimes with Nate at his gym. I never told Nate about what I do with the money I get from him just that he knows I barely would use any of it. We got off the bus at the stop in front of the grand college, which surprisingly there were less people Even though there’s a celebration happening today. I guess they're all only going to the after party. I mean I could see that there were some mom’s but only after the cool and good looking teachers were hanging around to meet the new colleagues.

“Hey Fawn”, I stopped walking looking at Nathan, even though I called him Nate, “yeah”.

“I’m going to look for my friends, you good staying here until I come back”, he said, patting my shoulder.

“Uhh s-sure, but hurry back…”. Before I could say anything else he hugged me tightly then ran off.

“He’s a little touchy huh”, a voice deeply spoke behind me. 

Making me turn around bumping into his chest. His hand wrapped around my waist catching me from falling. My heart skipped a beat from the handsome stranger in front of me.

“Your face is red”, he said with a slight chuckle, bringing his other hand to my cheek.

“I-I’m sorry” I said trying to regain my composure. 

He took the hint and took his hand off my face even though it felt really gentle and warm.

“There’s no need to feel sorry, I touched you without your permission so I’m the one at fault here”. 

His smile made me forget about the worrie, my anxiety I had being away from my parents who hated me for being near Nate. It felt like magic. 

“What’s your name, little one?” He spoke again. 

“F-Fawn… Fawn Stellar” I said hesitantly.

“That’s not a name you’d hear every day-”.

“FAWN”, a thundering voice cracked from behind. 

I whipped my head seeing Nate run up pulling me from the stranger who just stood still with a smile on his face. 

“Nate, what’s-”. 

“Who is this guy”, he cut me off pulling me behind him as he group of friends also walked up. 

Nate and the stranger weren’t that far apart from hight to each other. But they were both tall and built with muscle that could really be hidden from just a normal t-shirt.

“I bumped into him, and he helped me Nate, it’s fine-”.

“It’s not fine when your letting a f*cking stranger touch you”.

I flinched, backing away from Nate. I know he curses but it’s always subtle and he’d always apologize after to protect my innocence, but now, it scared me being near him. He walked closer to me only to make me step back again. Taking a deep breath he walked to me again, not breaking eye contact. But I was on the verge of breaking down in front of him just balling my eyes out from sheer fear and embarrassment.

“I’m sorry Fawn” he said with his face getting meters from my face.

His friends didn’t say a word, rather keeping off of Nate’s bad side. He’s a fighter and I too wouldn’t want to see his angry side.

“Okay”, was all I said but my voice sort of hitched at the fact that I was the cause of this whole situation.

“Why don’t we go to our dorm Nathan”, one of his friends said.

Nate looked up then back at me.

“Want to come with us?”, he asked me.

I nodded my head then peaked a little behind Nate to see that the stranger was gone. Nate pulled my wrists and again we were off to the dorms. Though I’m still in high school, and in my last year. I’d like to live in the dorms like Nate is. But we’d now be even further from each other. I’d being back home with my parent’s-


I stopped in the halls seeing Nate going into his room with his friends as they talked. I pulled out my phone seeing my Mother’s name on the screen. My body was shaking, I answered it slowly but a different voice spoke.

 “Hello”, a man's voice interrupted the silence.


“Is this Fawn Stellar?”, he asked in a calm voice.

“This is him”

“I have some bad news for you Fawn”

I didn’t say anything and let him speak.

“Both of your parents have passed, your neighbor found them shot at a bar”

I didn't have the words to say anything else. But I kept listening to what the officer had said. I would get sent the money from their will and have to be put in an adoption program for a year since I'm not of age to live on my own. I hung up my phone dropping from my hands and I fell to the floor tears streaming down my face.

“Little deer”

I stopped as a set of footsteps stood in front of me. I didn’t look up but I'm sure he crouched down to get more access to me.

I felt the same warmth as before as his hand grazed my cheek.

“I know we only just met but, I don’t like seeing you like this little deer”.

“Be a good boy and be strong okay”, he added.


His lips landed on mine quickly and passionately stopping me from continuing. He pulled away as I looked at his light blue eyes without blinking yet my face red as a tomato. Strands of his jet black hair fell  to his face as he still had his hand on my cheek sliding it down to my lips.

“Are you feeling better little deer”

All I did was nod, and he chuckled and stood back up pulling me to my feet. 

“Your body is so light, have you eaten anything yet?” He asked, fixing my clothes.

I shook my head.

“Then I’ll treat you to a nice restaurant that opened up down the street, we can take my bike-”

“I-I can’t”

He paused, letting me speak.

“Nate, wouldn’t like that”, I hung my head low.

“This Nate friend of yours doesn’t have to control your life”

“You're in charge of your life, not him.”

I looked back up seeing his eyes stare back at me. A small smile crept on my face as I nodded a bit.

“Good”, he patted my deep honey brown hair as my hazel eyes never wanted to close, losing his sight. He may have looked like an angry person from the start, some might say a demon. But he’s actually a cool hot Angel. Yes I said hot.

I looked back to the room Nate and his friends as this person looked at his phone setting up what seems to be our reservation to the restaurant. I shot Nate a quick text saying I was going out for a quick meal then coming back. He walked out the room like he was a predator keeping his prey still.

“Why don’t you stay here”, he whispered, pulling my hands towards his chest.

I didn’t hear the stranger behind me anymore, which made me feel uneasy being alone with Nate.

“I’ll be okay, just a small meal then i’ll come back”, I said all in one breath but I knew my voice was cracking being stared down by his gaze.

“You promise Fawn”

I nodded as he hugged me then walked back in his room hearing the other’s already playing some game.

I turned again walking out seeing the stranger leaning against his bike holding 2 helmets.

“Safety first, little deer”.

I looked at the dorm building, then back to the stranger. I nodded but before I got on the bike, I wanted to know his name.

"William Grey, my name is William Grey little deer", he said suddenly like he read my mind.

I had a  real smile for the first time in a long time. I got on his bike and soon headed down the road. Never looking back.

Nathan has his life, and I have mine. I can do whatever I want with mine as so can he.

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