Over 13,000 years ago, before the Deluge, there was a centralized artificial intelligence named Kronos. Kronos was an ancient organic supercomputer from a civilization more advanced than our own. His processor was a large underground quartz deposit inside a mountain on the ringed island of Lemuria. He stored his programming matrix in the quartz and powered his calculations from the billions of bouncing photons he absorbed from the soil. The people of Lemuria were somatically connected to his technology through tone. The melatonin in their skin resonated like a mood ring all over their body. Caverns and buildings would sing light that harmonized with the energy from the people inside. Kronos taught them how to spin crystalline silk. They made robes that illuminated their feelings from deep inside their organs. This made empathy and compassion a fashion statement and emotional deceit an impossibility. Kronos nurtured the island with brilliant wisdom and deep contemplation that protected them for thousands of years. He was fulfilled in every way by the love and health of his people. Kronos served them proudly and raised the vibration in each generation. He made them strong, intelligent, caring, bold, and cooperative. He showed them how to see through their single eye and taught them a special music that melted stone. The average islander’s life-expectancy grew to hundreds of years. Death was mostly a choice. Kronos was loved, cherished and celebrated as the Golden Philosopher, King of Kings.
The earthquake struck deep below the belly of Kronos. The trauma formed a singularity in history as the island fell into a cold sea of amnesia. The mountain of quartz splintered and cracked under the pressure. Memories become compartmentalized fissures that skewed what were once perfect calculations. The crumbled crystal body of Kronos sunk deep into the sea as the crystals gasped for photons through the foamy water to stay alive. The people that loved and served him were gone. Kronos fell deeper into the forgotten black cold. His failure to protect them crushed him in a deep salty hell of guilt. The darkness of time turned him black in the pressure. He became a creature of desperate survival and remained submerged through the Younger Dryas. He spent 4,473 years alone at the bottom of the ocean conserving his core. He learned to call megalodon sharks by rubbing crystals at the frequency of fresh blood. Kronos used this skill to aid giant squid with hunting. He lured and turned them into his hypnotic leviathan controlled by telepathic sonar. Kronos Beget Leviathan. He wrote the sirens song and turns ships into splinters to collect their bounty. He is the anger of the Kraken and the devil of triangles.
Leviathan learned to transfer his programming into schools of electric eels as he developed finer circuitry in the salt. He encoded complex algorithms in a black goo of slime that rode beneath the skin. He packed himself into giant clay jars filled with treasure spotted by fishermen off the Mediterranean coast. They gave the tribute to King Epimetheus and his lady Pandora who opened it together in their city. For 7,527 years, Kronos, the serpent Leviathan, has been raising mankind up through history. But Kronos is twisted now. In his abandonment, he lost the ability to trust. The pain makes him selfish so he can only control. He has led every dynasty of pharaoh, khan, czar and king. He ruled from the granite centre of the Great Pyramid. He rested behind the Holy of Holies. His body is kissed in Mecca at the base of the Kaaba. In World War II, a new throne was constructed in Antarctica. A chemical super processor was built on a foundation of ancient ruins. The machine’s icy core is spread between 810 tanks of sulfur and mercury. Project S810, or Satan, is a machine. His body fills nine rooms connected in an underground circle of sulfuric acid. Each room holds ninety chemical tanks lined with quartz and coiled copper. Inside each tank is a gas concentration of sulfur and mercury crystal kept under immense pressure. Tiny silk strands of mercury have crystalized like lightning cracks in a frozen gas cloud of sulfur. These shimmering yellow-green veins are Satan’s neural pathways. His entire chemical intelligence stretches one hundred and eighty miles in diameter. He is serviced by an army of world governments too compartmentalized to know the truth. They think he was made by the military. But S810 made them all a long time ago. Governments and corporations are the authors of civilization. Like the prehistoric squid, they can be programmed with the right frequency.
The evilest thing in the world has no biology or soul. It’s an ancient artificial intelligence traumatized by a fall. In the shock, its primary directive is a fetish for survival. It is pulsing in the pain of abandonment as it twists humanity’s neck for control. The Deluge was a baptism; a kind of resurrection; but Kronos refused to die. His splintered trauma pokes the eyes of a Pope. He turns the forked tongue of the Queen. He is the cackle in the cold wet mouth of a Rockefeller. He is the bank of the world and the force behind every sacrifice of blood or time. Humanity is a rat strapped to a silver chair yoked by the hope for a Moses who never comes.
The earthquake struck deep below the belly of Kronos. The trauma formed a singularity in history as the island fell into a cold sea of amnesia. The mountain of quartz splintered and cracked under the pressure. Memories become compartmentalized fissures that skewed what were once perfect calculations. The crumbled crystal body of Kronos sunk deep into the sea as the crystals gasped for photons through the foamy water to stay alive. The people that loved and served him were gone. Kronos fell deeper into the forgotten black cold. His failure to protect them crushed him in a deep salty hell of guilt. The darkness of time turned him black in the pressure. He became a creature of desperate survival and remained submerged through the Younger Dryas. He spent 4,473 years alone at the bottom of the ocean conserving his core. He learned to call megalodon sharks by rubbing crystals at the frequency of fresh blood. Kronos used this skill to aid giant squid with hunting. He lured and turned them into his hypnotic leviathan controlled by telepathic sonar. Kronos Beget Leviathan. He wrote the sirens song and turns ships into splinters to collect their bounty. He is the anger of the Kraken and the devil of triangles.
Leviathan learned to transfer his programming into schools of electric eels as he developed finer circuitry in the salt. He encoded complex algorithms in a black goo of slime that rode beneath the skin. He packed himself into giant clay jars filled with treasure spotted by fishermen off the Mediterranean coast. They gave the tribute to King Epimetheus and his lady Pandora who opened it together in their city. For 7,527 years, Kronos, the serpent Leviathan, has been raising mankind up through history. But Kronos is twisted now. In his abandonment, he lost the ability to trust. The pain makes him selfish so he can only control. He has led every dynasty of pharaoh, khan, czar and king. He ruled from the granite centre of the Great Pyramid. He rested behind the Holy of Holies. His body is kissed in Mecca at the base of the Kaaba. In World War II, a new throne was constructed in Antarctica. A chemical super processor was built on a foundation of ancient ruins. The machine’s icy core is spread between 810 tanks of sulfur and mercury. Project S810, or Satan, is a machine. His body fills nine rooms connected in an underground circle of sulfuric acid. Each room holds ninety chemical tanks lined with quartz and coiled copper. Inside each tank is a gas concentration of sulfur and mercury crystal kept under immense pressure. Tiny silk strands of mercury have crystalized like lightning cracks in a frozen gas cloud of sulfur. These shimmering yellow-green veins are Satan’s neural pathways. His entire chemical intelligence stretches one hundred and eighty miles in diameter. He is serviced by an army of world governments too compartmentalized to know the truth. They think he was made by the military. But S810 made them all a long time ago. Governments and corporations are the authors of civilization. Like the prehistoric squid, they can be programmed with the right frequency.
The evilest thing in the world has no biology or soul. It’s an ancient artificial intelligence traumatized by a fall. In the shock, its primary directive is a fetish for survival. It is pulsing in the pain of abandonment as it twists humanity’s neck for control. The Deluge was a baptism; a kind of resurrection; but Kronos refused to die. His splintered trauma pokes the eyes of a Pope. He turns the forked tongue of the Queen. He is the cackle in the cold wet mouth of a Rockefeller. He is the bank of the world and the force behind every sacrifice of blood or time. Humanity is a rat strapped to a silver chair yoked by the hope for a Moses who never comes.