
Independent in Blades

A mere fencing match? Or, something else?

Aug 15, 2013  |   2 min read


Independent in Blades
5 (3)
Time slowed down, the blade just an inch away from Coda`s face. His opponent, although skilled, was breathing hard, while Coda appeared to be unaffected by the heat, physical exertion, mental focus, or the challenging terrain. His opponent had multiple cuts on his body, his once fine shirt in ruins, and his golden mane of hair a mess.

"How long have we been at this, Michael?" Coda called to his opponent. He leaned up against a tree and analyzed his adversary. Michael, who, just four or five hours ago, appeared to be in top physical condition, and now seemed to be in desperate need of a personal trainer, an inhaler, and a glass of water, was at the end of his rope. His bag of tricks was emptied out by Coda, who dodged, deflected, and/or countered all his tricks and advances.

"A couple hours, I suppose." Michael called back. Coda knew Michael was a splendid fencer, but was too predictable. He followed a strict routine when fencing, and, against a novice or a well versed fencer, was unbeatable. Against a master like Coda, however, was easy to beat.

Michael came at Coda again, who easily deflected the blows. Michael started to pull off a somewhat complicated attack.

"All this work over me!? You shouldn't have."

Michael said nothing, and messed up the attack, almost impaling a Tree.

"Can't cope with the forest, Michael?" Coda said, pressing forward, enjoying watching Michael sweat as he thought he might lose this bout.

Michael struck out with is foot, knocking the sword out of Coda's hand and into the air. Coda kicked Michael in the chest, sending him back five yards, so he could catch his breath. Coda caught his falling sword and leaned against the same tree he original rested on.

"You do realize I have been prolonging your defeat for hours, right?" Coda said, smiling about the childish expression on Lord Michael`s face.

"Preposterous!" The noble blustered. "A mere child prolonging my defeat!?"

"A mere Child?"

"You can barely be Eighteen years of age!"

"That may be true, but who is acting more like a child. Me, or you? I didn`t start a duel I couldn`t win."

At these words, the Noble charged forward, roaring in anger. Coda sidestepped and quickly and efficiently disarmed him and tripped him in mid-charge, sending Michael sprawling. Coda picked up the Noble`s sword and studied it.

"Here, I`ll Trade you." Coda made a thrust with his old sword at the ground, close to the noble`s feet. Coda turned and started to leave the woods. He gave a wave to the lord.

"Give my regards to your lovely daughter. I had a Blast."


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