
Ever thought? (a deep topic to discuss)

A deeper aspect is described in this story. This story shows that we humans are not grateful for what we have and we crave for what is not available and remain anxious. But this is not a good thing.

May 22, 2024  |   2 min read


Mish Fish
Ever thought? (a deep topic to discuss)
Have you ever thought that humans are the only ones who are ungrateful...they focus on the things they don't have and get discouraged when times are tough? But why so?. Most of us give up because of fear of failure. We focus on the obstacles and not the opportunity to free ourselves. We get caught in the trap of our own thoughts, unreal thoughts. But why?

Have we ever compared ourselves to the animals living in the forest who live with their enemies? Enemies who can harm them and destroy their entire family. There is no safe place for those animals. They are living in the face of death. But they are still at peace. They are living their life happily. But why are we humans deprived of peace despite the facilities?.

The same is the case with birds, they fight their enemies to save their lives, leave their young ones alone in their nests at dawn, when their lives are in great danger and fly away in search of food to survive and when they find something to eat, they come to their nests. Even in these circumstances they praise their Creator. They become grateful for what they have. Then why not humans?. Are our problems bigger than the problems of animals and birds?.

We humans have the ability to talk about our problems and get rid of them, but what about animals and birds? They can feel but cannot talk. Animals and birds hope for the best and live peacefully. Then why not humans? Do we not believe in the plans of our Creator? Are our plans more accurate than the plans of our Creator? It often happens that the animals come to help humans but we fail to appreciate their feelings. We are running after money and other luxuries because we think we have more time to find peace. But this is not true.

Let's take a look at the forest and try to find out the problems of the animals that they face in the forest.


The lion is the king of the jungle but is not at all safe in the jungle, often it attacks a larger animal and in self-defence the animal harms the lion.


Elephant is the biggest animal but it also faces problems. Sometimes it gets stuck in a river or pond and cannot get out on its own. He is also afraid of the tiger whose food is meat.


Giraffe is the tallest animal but lions can eat it too. So it is afraid of lions.


Monkeys often live on trees. If we think about them, they are somehow safe. But in reality they fear not only tigers but also the snakes. Most of their children are captured by humans, as they become their source of income.

Conclusion :

Life is not a straight and smooth road. It is full of obstacles. These obstacles cannot be reduced by crying, blaming life, hating yourself. We have to keep calm and accept the reality, we have to overcome the fear of failure. We have to plan our next step according to our situation. As we accept the reality of life, we will soon find peace and increase our strength to achieve our goals and fulfill our dreams.

The more we encourage ourselves, the stronger we will grow. Our positive relationship with ourselves is very important.

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