
Caught in the Rain with Complicated Emotions

Caught in the Rain with Complicated Emotions" is a short story about unrequited love and unexpected encounters.

Feb 21, 2024  |   2 min read


Caught in the Rain with Complicated Emotions
The rain had stopped, but the feeling of confusion and heartache lingered in his mind. As he walked home, his thoughts were still consumed by the girl from his dream. It was strange, he thought, how dreams could feel so real and leave such a lasting impression.

He was the brightest student in college, and Manali, his best friend, was always impressed by his intelligence. After school ended for the day, they walked home together, enjoying each other's company. On this particular day, it was drizzling and cloudy, and they were caught in the rain.

He had to stop by a teacher's office for a moment, causing him to get delayed. When he met Manali outside the school, it was already raining heavily, and she was smiling at him. He looked at her beautiful smile, wondering how he felt for her.

As they walked home, they didn't talk much, and he was lost in his thoughts. He wanted to tell her how he felt but didn't know how. Midway through their journey, she had to go a different way to get to her home, and he asked if he should accompany her. She nodded, and they continued walking.

Then, he brought up the fact that she was supposed to call him a few days ago but didn't. She became angry and said, "Don't you understand? I don't want you." Just then, her phone rang, and it was her boyfriend. She angrily told him to call back later.

With a heavy heart, he continued walking behind her, wondering why he was helping her despite how he felt. As they turned a corner, they saw a cow running towards them. The cow was climbing the stairs, and he grabbed Manali's hand and rushed back with her, taking a detour to avoid the animal.

When they reached Manali's house, they said their goodbyes, and he walked home, still lost in thought. As he passed the same cow from earlier, the animal looked at him with an almost knowing expression. He felt as if the cow was mocking him for his confusion.

With a heavy heart, he followed her in the rain, wondering why things had to be so complicated. As they parted ways, he couldn't help but feel uncertain about their friendship. The image of the cow under the tree, seemingly mocking him, stayed with him as he walked home alone, soaked to the bone. He knew he would have to face his complicated emotions again, but for now, he was content to let the rain wash away his tears

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