Alvin POV:
"Throw this into the trash!" I barked at my secretary throwing the thin blue file across my table at her. But she caught it before it could harm her or split open and rain down the useless papers.
"But Mr Terrell," she started. I fixed a sharp glare onto her. She shrunk back a little.
"I worked on it all through last nig-.."
"Well you wouldn't have had to if you'd finished it on time, Ms Schmidt," I interrupted her, "this should have been properly done, filed and catalogued three days ago! But what do you bring me instead? A perfect example of laziness and poor attempt at doing your work!" Her shoulders drooped, and she ducked down to hid her eyes that had glossed over with unshed tears.
"Mr Terrell, you have been adding more urgent projects this past week, that…-
…-this just got pushed backwards," she said pitifully. I turned my glare up at the ceiling and exhaled deeply. 'Where does Rachel even find such people? All indifferent and lazy! All of them!'
"Please call Rachel to my office as you leave," saying, I dismissed my secretary and returned to my work where I had been halfway through sending an email. Just as she pulled open the door to exit, I added, "And don't bother returning to work Ms Schmidt. You're fired." I heard a choked sound that sounded uncannily like she was about to sob before the door slammed shut behind her.
Five minutes later, there was a knock on the door.
"Come in," I called out. Rachel entered the room grimacing.
"I understand she wasn't a good fit either as she is crying buckets right now at the staff room downstairs?" I gave her a look that said, 'what do you think?' She sighed, "Have you ever thought that the problem might not be in your secretaries, but you Alvin?"
"I have a business to run Rachel. A million-dollar family business. I can't expand it or concentrate enough to keep it standing if you hire unmotivated, goof for nothing secretaries! This is the third one this month!"
"Exactly, people are reluctant to apply to be your secretary Alvin. I might be your recruiter, but I can't force people into putting in their applications. I am also your friend, and I know how hot-headed and impatient you can be, try to put a lid on it will you?" she smiled genially at me, "If this goes on, everyone in the country would have worked at our company." She giggled at her own lame joke as I rolled my eyes.
"You need to apologise to her Alvin," she reprimanded me gently. I waved it away saying later. She sighed, patted my hand currently placed across the keyboard and stood up, straightening her work attire.
"I have work to do, a new secretary to employ, excuse me," she winked at me and left just as quickly as she'd come.
"Test run them at some other department before throwing them at me," I called after her retreating back. She gave me a little salute to say, 'okay boss' before closing the door gently behind her.
Later that evening, after I packed up my work and took my coat, I locked up my office and set up the alarms to secure it before going to the basement to my car. As I buckled up, my phone rang. I answered it, and my mum's voice filled up the car. I folded up my sleeves till the elbow and shifted the gear before genty driving out of the basement.
"You are coming, aren't you, darling?"
"Not today mum, change of plans, got held up because of a meeting, I am leaving now, I would be landing tomorrow evening." Her little sigh was audible even through the call before she relayed my message to whoever was beside her. Chances were it was my dad.
"That's okay, what's 24 hours when we have waited so long to see you?"
"Soon mum, soon I'll be right there beside you," I assured her, "I got the deal dad. It was finalised today." I said a little louder. My dad's voice filtered through the speaker, "well done my boy! I'm proud of you.” I grinned.
"Hush now, both of you, always speaking about business this, the business that,"
"Well, you should have thought that over before falling head over heels for me darling,"
I joined in my dad's laughter.
"Should we be expecting...someone special with you?" my mum gently probed.
"I'm driving mum, call you later, yeah?" I cut the call midway through her protest. Shaking my head and still grinning, I drove to the airport.
I dozed off as soon as I'd settled into my private jet, utterly confident on my staff.
There were a loud whoosh sound and the sound of metal scratching against metal that woke me up suddenly from my deep slumber. The first thing I noticed was the sunlight streaming through the windows and the next, the shaking of the aircraft beneath my shoes that had my entire body shaking with the force. I immediately unbuckled my self and moved across to my air hostess who was trying to converse with the pilots.
"What is going on, Olivia?" I shouted, trying to be heard along with the rumble tumble noises coming from outside. She turned just as I reached her, panic-stricken.
"The turbine engine is on fire, sir. The fire has also damaged the left-wing, and it's difficult to hold the height."
"Try to gently steer down, Viktor," I shouted over to the cockpit. The aircraft was trembling and shaking, and we were all holding on to the seats tightly to remain standing. We kept being rolled left and right like rag dolls in a box, and I even bumped my head on the ceiling twice. I couldn't spot the fire, but the aircraft's motion showed how badly the left wing was damaged.
"We can't sir, we need to jump," saying so, Viktor put the flight on autopilot and hurried to my side with the co-pilot, his hands clutching at two parachute bags. I looked outside through the windows and realized we were flying over a forest. The green lushness was very evident. The trees could help in softening our fall after our jump.
"Here!" Olivia pushed a parachute bag into my hand and began fastening her own onto her back. In about 5 minutes, we were all ready and secure.
"Which direction should we move towards, once on the ground?" I shouted. Olivia was trying to get the aircraft's door open.
"West!" Victor shouted back, running to Olivia's aid. It was difficult due to the air pressure and the height we were quickly losing. Unexpectedly, immediately after the door was opened, Olivia got sucked out.
Her shrieks were all we heard as we hoped she would be safe.
My heart was beating fast. I don't know when it jumped to my throat. The blood was pounding in my ears, and my shirt was stuck to my body because of the sweat. As any reasonable employer would, I forced the pilots to jump first. Victor was stubborn, so I decided to jump after his co-pilot.
I backed a few steps and then took the leap at a run. I pushed off the aircraft with my feet to gain more momentum and leap as far as I could from the aeroplane. Next second I know, I was mid-air, with the air rushing past my ears and blocking them. I was scared like hell.
As the ground rushed up to meet me, I flipped open the hold to my parachute. Once I was gliding safely through the air, I searched for my companions. But my efforts were in vain.
I tried to land smoothly. But having never done this before, it proved as a challenge.
The extreme winds broke my suspension lines. The canopy of the parachute also got stuck in the trees. I tried to steer but later gave up and tried to break the link to jump onto a tree.
As I touched down on a strong branch, I broke my link. As luck would have it, a strong gust of wind blew and pushed me off the branch. The moment I detached the connection and the wind blew was so simultaneous that my foot slipped and I fell.
I groaned from the pain.
As I blinked my eyes open, I realised that I was staring into the night sky with its beautifully twinkling stars. It was never this visible from the city. I realised I might have gotten knocked out by the fall because the last thing I remembered was the ground rushing to meet me.
I removed my parachute more completely and took stock of my surroundings. I was in the middle of the forest and lying on my back on the forest floor. I first checked my pockets and splayed out the items found on the grass to take stock - my car keys, a swiss knife in the ring, my wallet, the watch on my wrist and my phone. The time was 7:45. Unfortunately, the phone was broken, which I assumed had happened during my fall.
I decided to use the parachute's suspension lines and its canopy, so I climbed up the tree. This I could do because though I was out of practice, I'd always loved climbing the trees in my family orchard as a kid.
I quickly bundled it up and started to climb down the tree when I heard a hiss. I froze and slowly turned towards the sound. The branch I had been planning on placing my foot had a snake wrapped around it. We spent a few seconds merely staring at it each other though I am pretty sure it was glaring at me while I cowered in fear. After some time of me hanging like a chimp, halfway down my climb and staring at the Walters Pit Viper, it turned away. I then resumed my climb down and let loose a sigh once I reached the ground. I looked up at the snake again and realised its bulging middle.
'Oh god, it had just had its meal and was digesting it.' Bile rose my throat at the thought. I pushed it down.
Walters Pit Viper.
Next time I meet my goddaughter, I have to ask her how the snake got named. 'Why did she even know names of snakes?' I wondered offhandedly. Well, I am thinking about Rachel's daughter. 'She might be just as crazy as her mum.'
I tried to build a fire with stones and sticks which took me about an hour, but I was glad because I would need its warmth and safety for the night. I made a torch with a torn piece of my shirt and voila! I was ready to move.
Next, I looked up at the sky. I scavenged the sky for the big dipper, and when I found it, my eyes automatically found the pointer stars and eventually the North Star. So, I’d found North. I turned to stand facing North then began walking to my left. I know it was already dark, but I wanted to cover more ground before settling in for the night. I don't know if there are any wild animals around and If the Viper was any indication, the trees weren't safe either.
I kept walking for 5 hours straight and then took a small break. My stomach growled with hunger. 'You hungry tummy? I hungry too man.' My last meal was yesterday's dinner. And I was utterly parched too. My lips were dry, and I hadn't been able to find anything that looked remotely edible on my walk. I wasn't a tad bit sleepy, so after an hour's break, I resumed my walk. After 2 hours, my firetorch’s light fell on what my goddaughter called..- dryad's saddle? Or paddle?
She had been teaching for about a whole evening last Christmas and testing me if I constantly listened by asking questions. If her lessons were remotely correct, I think I just found dinner.
I bent down and found there were many close to each other. I stood up and again to make a small fire a little ways away to cook the mushrooms. Then I returned and patiently picked all of them that I could find. I am not sure if I might see more of these tomorrow and I don't want to miss the opportunity I stumbled upon. I cooked a few and devoured them quickly, even though they were a little bland. As I was putting out the fire by stamping it, a small animal jumped out at me from a nearby bush and stared at me. I paused for a second to look at it, and because it seemed relatively harmless and was quite small, I finished putting out the fire. I turned around to look at it, but it wasn't there anywhere. I shrugged confused and turned back to my pile of mushrooms only to find the little beast nibbling on one. I moved to shoo it away but then stopped. 'Poor creature.' I thought.
I sighed. I packed up the leftover mushrooms and dropped the little rat-like animal, another mushroom. I made a new torch, lit it and resumed my walk. I had made a little bag out of the suspensions lines and the parachute's canopy using my knife, and it now held my future meals safely.
What I wasn't expecting was for the little beast to follow me!
I tried to shoo it away several times, but it kept coming up to me and rubbing its body on my pant leg whenever I paused my walk. Exasperated and feeling a little less lonely, I picked the little beast up and put him on my shoulder. I even gave him a little mushroom to nibble.
He looked cuter from near. 'Oh my god, that sounded ridiculously like my goddaughter's voice in my head.' I thought about my family, my friends and my goddaughter. 'When would I see them again?' I wondered.
I walked throughout the night and slept only when I found a little waterfall clearing with soft, lush grass. I slept near the waterfall and later washed myself and the animal in the waterfall. Then I drank loads of water. I had gone for more than 36 hours without water, and it felt refreshing. I also cooked a little more mushrooms, fed my little beast and then straightened up for another long day of hiking. With food and water in my tummy and a little freshness, I felt rejuvenated.
I walked for the whole day without stopping for breaks or refreshments. As dusk set in, I came upon a gruesome sight.
There were three wolves…
..-coyotes I think?
..- before me, that were tearing the carcass of another animal to bits and eating. The smell and the sight made bile rise my throat. I turned away and puked behind a bush. Unfortunately, that sound attracted the wolves, and I turned to see them lunging towards me.
I followed by human instinct.
I ran.
I ran and ran as I thought of what I should do to escape. The animals were already gaining ground on me. Then I remembered 'trees'!
I spotted a large tree in front of me with a truck so huge that I could easily climb it. There was also a low hanging branch that I could just reach if I jumped high enough. I looked behind me once more and saw that wolves were hot on my trail. I looked back to the front, calculated, then timed my jump and jumped.
'Thank god.' I slowly climbed down the tree. I had made a perfect jump and quickly climbed the tree the night before. The coyotes had been loitering around the base of the tree all through the night. They had even tried climbing in their vain attempts to reach me. They left just as dawn broke and the sun rays filtered through the sky.
After waiting and confirming that they weren't returning, I climbed down and started my trek again. I had lost precious hiking time because of those bloody stupid coyotes. Little gits couldn’t concentrate on one meal and had to be greedy for more. The little beast on my shoulder chittered happily. It was a really lucky animal. I noticed only after getting onto the tree that in my sudden running spree, the force had knocked the little rat from its perch on my shoulder into the parachute bag on my back.
Now, I occasionally scratch it on its back as I walk.
Around noon, I found smoke coming up far away.
I sped up my pace and in another couple of hours, stumbled upon a quaint little town at the base of a hill.
It was dusk now. The people going about their evening chores spotted me and cried out at my bizarre appearance. I had mud smears across my cheeks, the little beast's shit on my shoulders scratches along my legs and arms and a torn shirt with hair full of twigs. I didn’t look remotely civilised.
Eventually, I got my story out, and they were the most gracious in offering me help. The people even fed my little beast. Thankfully everyone there spoke English. Apparently, the city was a few hours drive from here in the southern direction. A young man about my age offered to drive me there in his truck the next morning. I was very grateful, but I didn't know how to show my gratitude. I just thanked them with words and smiles.
I took a shower, had a filling late dinner, hydrated myself and then settled down for a quick nap. When I woke, I called my mum through a borrowed phone.
"Hey, mum!"
"Oh Alvin!" she sobbed through the phone.
Later I learned my remaining crew had all made it out safely with a few days difference between—even scared and panicked young Olivia. I also provided with free supplies to the helpful town for 5 years. And I later learnt from my goddaughter that my little beast was called a musky rat-kangaroo.
When I returned to my job, I chose to be more concerned about other people, more compassionate and merrier than before. I realised I might even die the next second, and when I did, I didn't want people to be grateful I passed. I had already had several close calls with death. I even apologised to Ms Schmidt. I wanted to be an idealistic and loved boss, and I did everything I could from that day on to achieve it.
I am Alvin Terrell, and this is my story.
"Throw this into the trash!" I barked at my secretary throwing the thin blue file across my table at her. But she caught it before it could harm her or split open and rain down the useless papers.
"But Mr Terrell," she started. I fixed a sharp glare onto her. She shrunk back a little.
"I worked on it all through last nig-.."
"Well you wouldn't have had to if you'd finished it on time, Ms Schmidt," I interrupted her, "this should have been properly done, filed and catalogued three days ago! But what do you bring me instead? A perfect example of laziness and poor attempt at doing your work!" Her shoulders drooped, and she ducked down to hid her eyes that had glossed over with unshed tears.
"Mr Terrell, you have been adding more urgent projects this past week, that…-
…-this just got pushed backwards," she said pitifully. I turned my glare up at the ceiling and exhaled deeply. 'Where does Rachel even find such people? All indifferent and lazy! All of them!'
"Please call Rachel to my office as you leave," saying, I dismissed my secretary and returned to my work where I had been halfway through sending an email. Just as she pulled open the door to exit, I added, "And don't bother returning to work Ms Schmidt. You're fired." I heard a choked sound that sounded uncannily like she was about to sob before the door slammed shut behind her.
Five minutes later, there was a knock on the door.
"Come in," I called out. Rachel entered the room grimacing.
"I understand she wasn't a good fit either as she is crying buckets right now at the staff room downstairs?" I gave her a look that said, 'what do you think?' She sighed, "Have you ever thought that the problem might not be in your secretaries, but you Alvin?"
"I have a business to run Rachel. A million-dollar family business. I can't expand it or concentrate enough to keep it standing if you hire unmotivated, goof for nothing secretaries! This is the third one this month!"
"Exactly, people are reluctant to apply to be your secretary Alvin. I might be your recruiter, but I can't force people into putting in their applications. I am also your friend, and I know how hot-headed and impatient you can be, try to put a lid on it will you?" she smiled genially at me, "If this goes on, everyone in the country would have worked at our company." She giggled at her own lame joke as I rolled my eyes.
"You need to apologise to her Alvin," she reprimanded me gently. I waved it away saying later. She sighed, patted my hand currently placed across the keyboard and stood up, straightening her work attire.
"I have work to do, a new secretary to employ, excuse me," she winked at me and left just as quickly as she'd come.
"Test run them at some other department before throwing them at me," I called after her retreating back. She gave me a little salute to say, 'okay boss' before closing the door gently behind her.
Later that evening, after I packed up my work and took my coat, I locked up my office and set up the alarms to secure it before going to the basement to my car. As I buckled up, my phone rang. I answered it, and my mum's voice filled up the car. I folded up my sleeves till the elbow and shifted the gear before genty driving out of the basement.
"You are coming, aren't you, darling?"
"Not today mum, change of plans, got held up because of a meeting, I am leaving now, I would be landing tomorrow evening." Her little sigh was audible even through the call before she relayed my message to whoever was beside her. Chances were it was my dad.
"That's okay, what's 24 hours when we have waited so long to see you?"
"Soon mum, soon I'll be right there beside you," I assured her, "I got the deal dad. It was finalised today." I said a little louder. My dad's voice filtered through the speaker, "well done my boy! I'm proud of you.” I grinned.
"Hush now, both of you, always speaking about business this, the business that,"
"Well, you should have thought that over before falling head over heels for me darling,"
I joined in my dad's laughter.
"Should we be expecting...someone special with you?" my mum gently probed.
"I'm driving mum, call you later, yeah?" I cut the call midway through her protest. Shaking my head and still grinning, I drove to the airport.
I dozed off as soon as I'd settled into my private jet, utterly confident on my staff.
There were a loud whoosh sound and the sound of metal scratching against metal that woke me up suddenly from my deep slumber. The first thing I noticed was the sunlight streaming through the windows and the next, the shaking of the aircraft beneath my shoes that had my entire body shaking with the force. I immediately unbuckled my self and moved across to my air hostess who was trying to converse with the pilots.
"What is going on, Olivia?" I shouted, trying to be heard along with the rumble tumble noises coming from outside. She turned just as I reached her, panic-stricken.
"The turbine engine is on fire, sir. The fire has also damaged the left-wing, and it's difficult to hold the height."
"Try to gently steer down, Viktor," I shouted over to the cockpit. The aircraft was trembling and shaking, and we were all holding on to the seats tightly to remain standing. We kept being rolled left and right like rag dolls in a box, and I even bumped my head on the ceiling twice. I couldn't spot the fire, but the aircraft's motion showed how badly the left wing was damaged.
"We can't sir, we need to jump," saying so, Viktor put the flight on autopilot and hurried to my side with the co-pilot, his hands clutching at two parachute bags. I looked outside through the windows and realized we were flying over a forest. The green lushness was very evident. The trees could help in softening our fall after our jump.
"Here!" Olivia pushed a parachute bag into my hand and began fastening her own onto her back. In about 5 minutes, we were all ready and secure.
"Which direction should we move towards, once on the ground?" I shouted. Olivia was trying to get the aircraft's door open.
"West!" Victor shouted back, running to Olivia's aid. It was difficult due to the air pressure and the height we were quickly losing. Unexpectedly, immediately after the door was opened, Olivia got sucked out.
Her shrieks were all we heard as we hoped she would be safe.
My heart was beating fast. I don't know when it jumped to my throat. The blood was pounding in my ears, and my shirt was stuck to my body because of the sweat. As any reasonable employer would, I forced the pilots to jump first. Victor was stubborn, so I decided to jump after his co-pilot.
I backed a few steps and then took the leap at a run. I pushed off the aircraft with my feet to gain more momentum and leap as far as I could from the aeroplane. Next second I know, I was mid-air, with the air rushing past my ears and blocking them. I was scared like hell.
As the ground rushed up to meet me, I flipped open the hold to my parachute. Once I was gliding safely through the air, I searched for my companions. But my efforts were in vain.
I tried to land smoothly. But having never done this before, it proved as a challenge.
The extreme winds broke my suspension lines. The canopy of the parachute also got stuck in the trees. I tried to steer but later gave up and tried to break the link to jump onto a tree.
As I touched down on a strong branch, I broke my link. As luck would have it, a strong gust of wind blew and pushed me off the branch. The moment I detached the connection and the wind blew was so simultaneous that my foot slipped and I fell.
I groaned from the pain.
As I blinked my eyes open, I realised that I was staring into the night sky with its beautifully twinkling stars. It was never this visible from the city. I realised I might have gotten knocked out by the fall because the last thing I remembered was the ground rushing to meet me.
I removed my parachute more completely and took stock of my surroundings. I was in the middle of the forest and lying on my back on the forest floor. I first checked my pockets and splayed out the items found on the grass to take stock - my car keys, a swiss knife in the ring, my wallet, the watch on my wrist and my phone. The time was 7:45. Unfortunately, the phone was broken, which I assumed had happened during my fall.
I decided to use the parachute's suspension lines and its canopy, so I climbed up the tree. This I could do because though I was out of practice, I'd always loved climbing the trees in my family orchard as a kid.
I quickly bundled it up and started to climb down the tree when I heard a hiss. I froze and slowly turned towards the sound. The branch I had been planning on placing my foot had a snake wrapped around it. We spent a few seconds merely staring at it each other though I am pretty sure it was glaring at me while I cowered in fear. After some time of me hanging like a chimp, halfway down my climb and staring at the Walters Pit Viper, it turned away. I then resumed my climb down and let loose a sigh once I reached the ground. I looked up at the snake again and realised its bulging middle.
'Oh god, it had just had its meal and was digesting it.' Bile rose my throat at the thought. I pushed it down.
Walters Pit Viper.
Next time I meet my goddaughter, I have to ask her how the snake got named. 'Why did she even know names of snakes?' I wondered offhandedly. Well, I am thinking about Rachel's daughter. 'She might be just as crazy as her mum.'
I tried to build a fire with stones and sticks which took me about an hour, but I was glad because I would need its warmth and safety for the night. I made a torch with a torn piece of my shirt and voila! I was ready to move.
Next, I looked up at the sky. I scavenged the sky for the big dipper, and when I found it, my eyes automatically found the pointer stars and eventually the North Star. So, I’d found North. I turned to stand facing North then began walking to my left. I know it was already dark, but I wanted to cover more ground before settling in for the night. I don't know if there are any wild animals around and If the Viper was any indication, the trees weren't safe either.
I kept walking for 5 hours straight and then took a small break. My stomach growled with hunger. 'You hungry tummy? I hungry too man.' My last meal was yesterday's dinner. And I was utterly parched too. My lips were dry, and I hadn't been able to find anything that looked remotely edible on my walk. I wasn't a tad bit sleepy, so after an hour's break, I resumed my walk. After 2 hours, my firetorch’s light fell on what my goddaughter called..- dryad's saddle? Or paddle?
She had been teaching for about a whole evening last Christmas and testing me if I constantly listened by asking questions. If her lessons were remotely correct, I think I just found dinner.
I bent down and found there were many close to each other. I stood up and again to make a small fire a little ways away to cook the mushrooms. Then I returned and patiently picked all of them that I could find. I am not sure if I might see more of these tomorrow and I don't want to miss the opportunity I stumbled upon. I cooked a few and devoured them quickly, even though they were a little bland. As I was putting out the fire by stamping it, a small animal jumped out at me from a nearby bush and stared at me. I paused for a second to look at it, and because it seemed relatively harmless and was quite small, I finished putting out the fire. I turned around to look at it, but it wasn't there anywhere. I shrugged confused and turned back to my pile of mushrooms only to find the little beast nibbling on one. I moved to shoo it away but then stopped. 'Poor creature.' I thought.
I sighed. I packed up the leftover mushrooms and dropped the little rat-like animal, another mushroom. I made a new torch, lit it and resumed my walk. I had made a little bag out of the suspensions lines and the parachute's canopy using my knife, and it now held my future meals safely.
What I wasn't expecting was for the little beast to follow me!
I tried to shoo it away several times, but it kept coming up to me and rubbing its body on my pant leg whenever I paused my walk. Exasperated and feeling a little less lonely, I picked the little beast up and put him on my shoulder. I even gave him a little mushroom to nibble.
He looked cuter from near. 'Oh my god, that sounded ridiculously like my goddaughter's voice in my head.' I thought about my family, my friends and my goddaughter. 'When would I see them again?' I wondered.
I walked throughout the night and slept only when I found a little waterfall clearing with soft, lush grass. I slept near the waterfall and later washed myself and the animal in the waterfall. Then I drank loads of water. I had gone for more than 36 hours without water, and it felt refreshing. I also cooked a little more mushrooms, fed my little beast and then straightened up for another long day of hiking. With food and water in my tummy and a little freshness, I felt rejuvenated.
I walked for the whole day without stopping for breaks or refreshments. As dusk set in, I came upon a gruesome sight.
There were three wolves…
..-coyotes I think?
..- before me, that were tearing the carcass of another animal to bits and eating. The smell and the sight made bile rise my throat. I turned away and puked behind a bush. Unfortunately, that sound attracted the wolves, and I turned to see them lunging towards me.
I followed by human instinct.
I ran.
I ran and ran as I thought of what I should do to escape. The animals were already gaining ground on me. Then I remembered 'trees'!
I spotted a large tree in front of me with a truck so huge that I could easily climb it. There was also a low hanging branch that I could just reach if I jumped high enough. I looked behind me once more and saw that wolves were hot on my trail. I looked back to the front, calculated, then timed my jump and jumped.
'Thank god.' I slowly climbed down the tree. I had made a perfect jump and quickly climbed the tree the night before. The coyotes had been loitering around the base of the tree all through the night. They had even tried climbing in their vain attempts to reach me. They left just as dawn broke and the sun rays filtered through the sky.
After waiting and confirming that they weren't returning, I climbed down and started my trek again. I had lost precious hiking time because of those bloody stupid coyotes. Little gits couldn’t concentrate on one meal and had to be greedy for more. The little beast on my shoulder chittered happily. It was a really lucky animal. I noticed only after getting onto the tree that in my sudden running spree, the force had knocked the little rat from its perch on my shoulder into the parachute bag on my back.
Now, I occasionally scratch it on its back as I walk.
Around noon, I found smoke coming up far away.
I sped up my pace and in another couple of hours, stumbled upon a quaint little town at the base of a hill.
It was dusk now. The people going about their evening chores spotted me and cried out at my bizarre appearance. I had mud smears across my cheeks, the little beast's shit on my shoulders scratches along my legs and arms and a torn shirt with hair full of twigs. I didn’t look remotely civilised.
Eventually, I got my story out, and they were the most gracious in offering me help. The people even fed my little beast. Thankfully everyone there spoke English. Apparently, the city was a few hours drive from here in the southern direction. A young man about my age offered to drive me there in his truck the next morning. I was very grateful, but I didn't know how to show my gratitude. I just thanked them with words and smiles.
I took a shower, had a filling late dinner, hydrated myself and then settled down for a quick nap. When I woke, I called my mum through a borrowed phone.
"Hey, mum!"
"Oh Alvin!" she sobbed through the phone.
Later I learned my remaining crew had all made it out safely with a few days difference between—even scared and panicked young Olivia. I also provided with free supplies to the helpful town for 5 years. And I later learnt from my goddaughter that my little beast was called a musky rat-kangaroo.
When I returned to my job, I chose to be more concerned about other people, more compassionate and merrier than before. I realised I might even die the next second, and when I did, I didn't want people to be grateful I passed. I had already had several close calls with death. I even apologised to Ms Schmidt. I wanted to be an idealistic and loved boss, and I did everything I could from that day on to achieve it.
I am Alvin Terrell, and this is my story.