Rated stories in

  • The Chronology of a Broken Trust

    Jenny has finally found happiness, even though her abusive stepfather is still a part of her life. She has decided to venture out and put her trust in someone, but that seems to be destroying her happiness once and for all.

    Dec 14, 2011 14 min read
  • Midnight Rose

    Jan 01, 2012 26 min read
  • Pret in the House

    A young boy lives in a house next to a tree that overlooks the road. A Pret (which seems to be a mischievous ghost) lives in the tree, and pulls pranks on people walking or driving their carts or cars underneath. One day, the government cuts down the tree to widen the road, and so the Pret, deprived of its tree, moves into the house and starts playing pranks on the family. Things get so bad that they are determined to move away, so they pack everything up into their car, and as they drive, they hear ghostly laughter, and realize that the Pret is coming along with them to a new house.

    Nov 26, 2018 6 min read
  • Father and son

    The beautiful relationship between a widower father and son.

    Dec 23, 2011 4 min read
  • Priceless Pearls...Few pages from my diary...

    The story of a girl who realized the true meaning of tears too late.

    Nov 21, 2011 4 min read
  • The Statue

    A forgettable moment can hold different meaning to different people.

    May 22, 2021 6 min read
  • Echo Lake

    It had been a long time since Ryan had left Echo Lake, his hometown, but today fifteen years later, he finds himself back home, forced to relive an old and painful memory.

    Dec 15, 2011 10 min read
  • The second paragraph

    Jan 19, 2012 4 min read