Short Twins Stories

  • My Life's Destiny

    Twins, jealousy and a single throne. What will it lead to? Betrayal or support?

    Dec 09, 2017 4 min read
  • Unlucky in Love

    A murder, twin brothers, love and luck. Watch all of it unfold.

    Jul 17, 2014 10 min read
  • “Stranger”

    Dear George my sweet darling, I know your probably wondering who I am. well I wanted to tell you myself but I didn’t get the courage to. I am your mother. Attach you will find the pictures of me, you and your twin sister when you were small. Tracy doesn’t know you exist. Her father well your dad doesn’t know either. I had you and then your sister. We thought you wasn’t going to make it. Your dad left to the military and I was left with both of you guys. You were hospitalized for 2 months. The family only knew of Tracy. I told everyone you didn’t make it. I am sorry for lying. I wasn’t able to take care both of you guys especially living with HIV. I knew I wasn’t going to live very long. You will need to find Tracy and tell her. She won’t believe you at first but then she will remember the pictures in the box in my room. Give her some time and don’t give up on her. I always loved you and went every week to check up on you in the hospital. When you finally got better, I gave you up for adoption. I knew the family that was going to adopt you so I wasn’t worry. I knew you would be in good hands. Please don’t hate me. I was like a single mom and taking care of twin kids was a lot since I wasn’t working and your dad was always away overseas. I was able to see you when you were around 3-5 years old. The family invited us to the BBQ. I hesitated to go but then I went. I took pictures with you guys. You guys got along very well and I was sad when we had to leave again. We ended up moving across the country and lost contact. But I hoped and prayed that I got to see you George before I pass away. The moment I saw you again in the supermarket buying groceries. I knew I had to say hi. You looked at me weird but then your parents told you who I was. I am so grateful to have spent these past 5 years with you. If your reading this, that means I am no longer alive and my time came for me. Look and search for your twin sister. I provided her address below. Stay blessed my son and remember I love you. Your mom, Lisa Elenore Lockman ?

    Dec 20, 2024 2 min read