"Salomé Álvarez was a women, like many, enslaved, defined, and enraptured by her own beauty..." The Surgeon: a man specialized in the artificial and the fleeting, knows his client's face like a textbook. He's agonized over it. Annotated its edges. Bled dye into the flesh of its pages... But you know what they say: beauty is only skin deep. Every two years, The Surgeon has granted her a different face. A different identity. Every two years, she arrives under a different name-- This short story explores the fate of too many faces. The deadly consequences. The tragedy when The Surgeon can't fix the layers rotting underneath.
When Harper Kane ignores the warnings to get her eyes checked yearly, she never imagines the horrors lurking within her own vision. As her eyesight deteriorates, she’s drawn into a terrifying nightmare where shadows move, whisper, and claw their way into her reality. A routine surgery meant to save her sight unleashes something far more sinister. The Eyes Have It is a chilling tale that blends medical thriller with supernatural horror, delivering pulse-pounding suspense and a haunting reminder of the consequences of neglect.