Latest stories in

  • The Forgotten Doll

    A girl finds an old, dusty doll in the attic and starts playing with it. As she does, strange events begin to occur around the house, and the doll seems to have a life of its own.

    Aug 27, 2023 12 min read
  • The Night of Hell

    This short story is based off my western book series before the series started. Its 1859 and Allen Johnson is a town deputy in the Kansas Territory and he heads out to track down a anti-slavery troublemaker and it turns into a night of horror on Halloween.

    Sep 11, 2019 4 min read
  • The Mirror

    Scarville, Iowa has a creepy, Disney villain-themed, name. The name of the town might be less than remarkable, but the incidents which occur within this quiet, isolated American town could be described as nothing short of terrifying.

    Aug 14, 2019 10 min read

    You are the main character. You can now finally enjoy your Christmas vacation. You expect it to be a perfect holiday away from stress at school. However, it isn't a family reunion you imagine. It's something you wish you could never tell to anyone. It still haunts every inch of you every time you think about the horror of it.

    Apr 17, 2019 6 min read